Triple Dog Dare (Goth Stanxreader)

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Dedicated to mysilverdollar for requesting this goth stanxreader the song is never surrender by skillet.

When I got to the loading docks at school I just had to roll my eyes. Was this seriously happening again? Pete and Firkle seemed to have the same thought because they were looking down avoiding eye contact with the other goths. The youngest goth leaned against the wall next to Pete far away from the two goths. I sighed giving them a glare. Michael's right hand was slung around Henrietta's waist and the two were tongue wrestling or some crap I couldn't tell because their faces were pressed together, gross. "Guys-" Michael lifted his left hand to silence me as his right hand slowly heading downward. He took a deep breath as he stared into Henrietta's eyes and I sighed annoyed. He clearly didn't want to acknowledge me. "Guys." Again they continued ignoring me and I decided I would talk whether Michael wanted me to or not I didn't really care anymore. "Could you maybe do that somewhere else it's kinda annoying, and a little conformist." That made Michael face me. He seemed made but his stoic mask hid it well.

"I hate to agree with Raven on this Michael but it's kinda true." I almost smiled towards Pete but I nodded instead. Firkle nodded in agreement, stepping forward.

"It's like you don't do anything except that. She's turning into a nazi cheerleader and you're turning into a conformist." He pointed to Henrietta when he said 'she' and pointed right in Michael's face when he said 'you'. I almost laughed at Michael's eyebrow twitch.

"Whatever, I didn't think you'd trust the instincts of our newest goth. I mean what do we know he could still have some conformist in him, Henrietta and I have been here since the start." Michael took a drag of his cigarette then blew smoke into my face and gave me a smirk. He felt like we were ganging up against him and he hated it. Henrietta chewed strawberry gum as she always did and she kept her arms crossed letting Michael take care of the situation and I really wish she hadn't. Her cold stare stung as she watched the scene play out. We didn't show emotion but I could read emotion in eyes. It's how I knew Kenny so well before we drifted apart.

"Look Peter Pan, when you find a girlfriend then we'll talk." I couldn't hold back my smile anymore.

"Yeah what about all that shit you said about 'love didn't work for my mom and dad why would it work for me?' Didn't you say love was too damn conformist for you?" Michael smashed his forehead against mine.

"What are you trying to say?" He growled.

"That you're a hypocrite is all. I mean, love is conformist."

"Yeah it is if you don't care about anyone." His voice was less confident now.

"I've never liked anyone since my girlfriend dumped me for my friend- Former friend." Michael seemed surprised at my words.

"Wait, you mean you haven't had a girlfriend since you joined our group? Hasn't it been like a month or something?" I bit down hard on my tongue trying not to show pain inside. The pain I still held from Wendy. "That's why you think I'm a conformist, even Pete's had his share of girlfriends while he's been goth. Firkle is still twelve so girls aren't common to him. You date a girl and if you can keep up being goth... There won't be any doubt about you being one of us okay, Raven? Even if it's only for like two weeks." I opened my mouth to speak and I wanted to say agreed but something else came out. Something so absurd and stupid that I hadn't even known could come from me but I knew part of me wanted it to come out because I wanted Michael to pay for making me revisit the pain from Wendy fucking Testaburger.

"I'll even date a conformist if you throw in a date with your girlfriend." Michael winced as if I had just punched him across the face. It was only for a brief second, he winced and I swear he gripped his hand into a fist.

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