Fuckboy Holland *part 1, SMUT* (Tom Holland)

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Requested by MARVEL8002: Tom is a popular fuckboy and Y/N is not. They have a one-time thing and it escalates from there

I sat in the lecture theatre, waiting for the lecture to start as my laptop sat on the table in front of me. I looked to the doors of the theatre, my eyes rolling by themselves as Tom Holland walked in with a new random girl on his arm. They smirked at each other, Tom pecking her lips before his eyes flicked up and landed on me. He broke the kiss, his smirk widening as he winked at me. I rolled my eyes again and flipped him off, only making him smirk more. Tom Holland was a different breed of asshole. He was known around the university campus as "Fuckboy Holland" due to the fact that he'd fuck a different girl every night, would walk into class with a different girl on his arm every day and would make out with countless at parties. I believed that his personal record was twenty girls made out with in the space of half an hour. Unfortunately for me, we took the same degree, meaning that I had the dishonour of seeing him almost every day of the week. To make matters worse, I was good friends with his best mate, Harrison, which meant that I also saw him at parties and when I hung out with Harrison. In a nutshell, I couldn't seem to avoid him. It sucked because he was actually a very attractive guy, and if he wasn't such a womaniser, I'd quite like him. Just a shame that he was such a dick. I clenched my jaw and glued my eyes to the screen of my laptop as Tom and the girl that he was with went into the row behind me and sat directly behind me. I gulped, trying not to look at the smug asshole as I felt him leant forward and place his lips by my ear.

"She could be you, darling. If only you finally let yourself give into me." he whispered. I scoffed and shook my head, practically hearing the smirk in his voice as he leant back into his chair. That was another thing. Tom flirted with me at every single opportunity that he got. I wasn't sure if it was because he actually liked me, or if he just did it because he knew that it annoyed me. Probably the latter, knowing him. I kept my posture and looked forwards as the lecturer walked in and the class started.

I walked out of the uni building, following the other students who'd also been in my class as I left the lecture.

"Y/N!" I turned around and smiled as Harrison jogged towards me.

"Hello, my blond friend." I chuckled, making him smile as he hugged me.

"How was class?" he asked as he looked down at me and stuck his hands into his leather jacket pockets as we started to walk along.

"It was good. It's going well." I smiled.

"That's exactly what I wanted to hear. Because I need to ask you for a favour." he nodded. My eyebrows furrowed and I looked up at him.

"What favour?" I chuckled nervously. He bit his lip and sighed, telling me that I wasn't going to like this.

"Tom would never admit this since he's too proud, but he's failing your class. He needs someone to tutor him. And I think that you're the perfect person to do that job." he admitted. My eyes widened and I stopped in my tracks, making Harrison sigh again as he looked at me.

"You want me to tutor Tom? That asshole?" I scoffed.

"Please, Y/N. I know that you practically hate his guts, but you don't need to like it. Think of it as a favour for me as opposed to a favour for him." he nodded. I sighed and bit my lip, my mind screaming at me to say no. But for some reason, my heart was telling me to do it.

"Would it only be one session?" I gulped.

"Fully. He just needs help with the essay that you guys have to turn in. As soon as it's good enough for him to pass, he's out of the woods. It'll be, like, an hour at the most." he encouraged. I sighed and looked at him. The boy bit his lip and raised his eyebrows, telling me that he was hopeful that I'd say yes.

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