Jealous (Mob boss!AU, Tom Holland)

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Requested by NaaraMartinez8: Can you do a mob boss Tom jealous?

"Fuck you, Tom." I spat as I rushed through the house, my husband following hot on my heels as he rushed after me.

"For Christ's sake, darling, stop this." he sighed as I stormed into our bedroom. My eyes widened and I turned around to look at him.

"Stop what, asshole? Stop wanting my husband to come away from his work for five minutes to spend even a moment with his wife? God fucking forbid that I want you to pretend for once that I'm not completely fucking invisible to you." I snapped.

"Of course you're not invisible to me, love! But you know that I have a lot of work to do, this is all important stuff." he scoffed. I returned the scoff and crossed my arms over my chest.

"So I'm not important to you now?" I nodded. His eyes widened.

"No! That's not what I meant-." I rolled my eyes and dropped my arms before opening my wardrobe and starting to grab my clubbing dresses.

"What are you doing now?" he sighed and rubbed a hand over his face.

"I'm going out. If you won't give me attention, I'll find it elsewhere." I shrugged, making his eyes widen. This was a dance that Tom and I had done many times before, and one that we'd no doubt do again in a week or so. Tom was the boss of the Holland mob, the most notorious and feared gang in London. I was his wife, and was therefore feared even more than he was. No one could so much as look at me without fear of death by Tom's hand. But recently, Tom had been a lot more busy than usual, and so had developed into this habit of not leaving his office for weeks on end. Which meant that I could go weeks on end without any kind of love or affection from him. And that wasn't how I liked it. I had gone into his office and had tried to pull him away from his work, only to have him completely ignore me. And now I'd had enough. So, my plan was to go to one of his clubs, let my hair down and hope that some guy would flirt with me and therefore make Tom jealous enough to finally step away from his work and spend some time with me.

"What the fuck did you just say?" he scoffed.

"If you won't give me attention, I'll find it elsewhere." I spat. He scoffed again and clenched his jaw.

"I'm only going to warn you once, sweetheart, so make fucking sure that you're listening. I don't care about you going out, as long as you're safe. But if I find out from one of my men that you've been dancing with another man, you've been flirting, you've been letting other guys buy you drinks, anything like that, there will be hell to pay." he spat. I returned his stone-cold look, making him clench his jaw as he looked down at me.

"I understand, Tommy. Doesn't mean that I won't do it." I mumbled and nodded. He scoffed and shook his head, making me roll my eyes as I grabbed one of the dresses that I'd picked before heading into the en-suite and slamming the door behind me.

I walked into Tom's club, my clutch in my hand and my other hand on my hip as I looked over the crowds of dancing people.That's one thing that I loved about my husband's clubs, they were always absolutely full. Including being full of his men, looking out to make sure that no one fought, anyone there who owed Tom money got seen to, and that I wouldn't end up going home with another man. Not that I'd ever do that to him. I headed to the bar and gave Jake a small smile as I sat down.

"Your usual, Mrs Holland?" he asked.

"Thanks, Jake." I nodded, making him give me a small smile as he started to make me a drink.

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