The high school feud *SMUT* (Tom Holland)

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Requested by pennywinkle0112: Y/N and Tom are enemies who constantly fight during school and family dinners since their families are good friends. Only Harrison sees that Tom really loves her, despite the fact that they both get jealous if the other person flirts with someone else. During a heated argument, things explode and then happen.

Tom and I sat in the headmaster's office, our jaws clenched and eyes glued ahead as we sat waiting for the headmaster.

"I can't fucking believe that you got us sent here." I scoffed quietly. Tom's eyes widened and he turned his head to look at me.

"Me?! You're the one who wouldn't shut the fuck up." He snapped.

"I wasn't even talking to you, asshole! I was having a conversation completely independent of you and yet you butt in anyway!" I spat back.

"I know that it wasn't with me but it was about me, jackass." He nodded. My eyes widened.

"Sorry, so you're allowed to talk about me, but I'm not allowed to talk about you? The double standards are real, you absolute-."

"I advise that you don't finish that sentence, Miss Y/L/N." I clenched my jaw, a smirk curling onto Tom's lips as the headmaster walked in and shut the door.

"I thought that I'd seen the last of you two fighting. That's what I'd hoped, anyway." He sighed as he sat down on his side of the desk.

"I'll stop once she turns into less of a-."

"I'm also going to advise you to shut your mouth too, Mr Holland." He nodded. I smirked and bit my lip at Tom, making it his turn to shake his head and clench his jaw. For as long as I could remember, Tom and I had been sworn enemies. I couldn't remember how it had started given that our families were close friends, but we had just never gotten along. It was a real shame considering that Tom was admittedly very attractive and I could have seen myself with him. If he hadn't been such a dick. Overall it was a very interesting dynamic, as we claimed to hate each other and yet I'd often catch Tom giving guys who flirted with me death stares. He was a hard one to read was Tom. And so we found ourselves here, in the headmaster's office for fighting in class. For the fourth time this week.

"What was the fight about this time?" The headmaster sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"He was being a dick."

"She was being a bitch." Tom and I spoke at the same time before looking at each other. I clenched my jaw at him, making him roll his eyes.

"I don't understand you two. On paper, you should be the best of friends. Your families are friendly with each other, you're both very popular and are in the same friendship circles. What is it about you that means you just don't get along?" The headmaster scoffed and shook his head. My eyes wavered, my heart dropping as I looked at Tom. My heart jumped as he gave me the same look, the look that told me that he was heartbroken behind his eyes. My question was why.

"We just don't. Never have." Tom mumbled as he rubbed his hand over his chin.

"Yup. Nothing more to it." I muttered equally as quietly. The headmaster sighed at us.

"Right. Well, let's stop this here. If you two appear in my office again, I'll have to call your parents in, and I think that that'll be very inconvenient for everyone involved." He nodded.

"Sir, we're eighteen, we don't need our parents to be called on us." Tom groaned.

"Well apparently you do since you're fighting like you're five." He retorted back. Tom sighed and shook his head.

Tom Holland and Peter Parker one-shots 2.0Where stories live. Discover now