The nightclub owner *final part* (Tom Holland)

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Requested by mrsholland199601: Months after Tom and Y/N start dating, Y/N goes to one of his clubs like usual. A lot of men start staring at her and making Tom jealous. He sees another guy flirting with her and goes for him.

I knocked on Tom's front door and waited for a response. It opened to reveal Harrison, making me smile at my boyfriend's best mate and right-hand man.

"Hey, Haz." I chuckled as he leant down and kissed my cheek.

"How you doing?" He smiled as I moved into the large house and he shut the door behind me.

"I'm great. Just brought Tom some lunch." I nodded.

"I might have to nick that." Harrison teased, his head nodding towards the paper bag in my hand.

"If you want to end up dead, you will." I returned. He laughed and nodded again.

"Too right. He's in the office." He spoke.

"Thanks, Haz." I chuckled before turning to head towards Tom's office. I got to it and gently knocked my fist against the door.

"Come in." His muffled voice spoke. I opened the door, Tom looking up at me from his work.

"Darling, hey, what are you doing here?" He chuckled as I headed in and shut the door.

"Figured that you could use lunch." I shrugged, making his side widen as I put the bag on his desk before sitting on his lap.

"Urgh, I love you. What did I ever do to deserve you?" He shook his head.

"You fucked me, that's what." I teased, making him smirk and lean in to kiss my neck.

"I think that I'm going to head to your club tonight, if you want to join." I nodded.

"I'll probably be there anyway, but I'll be working." He fake-pouted at me, making me groan.

"Come on, take one day off, Tommy." I chuckled.

"You know that I can't, sweetheart. You know that nights out at the club are often my best chance to catch up with people who owe me money." He shrugged. I sighed and bit my lip.

"I know, Tommy, I get it. Well, I'll be there, if you fancy a dance or buying me a drink." I teased.

"I will do, love. I'll see you there, thank you for my food." He smiled, making me chuckle and lean down to peck his lips before standing up.

I headed into Tom's club, my body clad in my nicest dress and my makeup done to perfection as I walked in. I was going to pull Tom away from his work, and I was going to do it by looking like this. The problem of course was the risk of attracting other men, but maybe a jealous Tom would work in my favour. I moved to the bar and gave Noah a small smile as I sat down.

"You okay, Y/N? The usual?" He asked.

"Please, Noah." I nodded. He returned it and started making my vodka and coke, my eyes flicking up and over the club as I looked for Tom. But there was something else that I noticed too. I gulped and looked around, the eyes of several men already on me as they smirked and checked me out. I gulped and looked back at Noah, my mind hoping that none of them would approach me as I waited for my drink.

Tom's P.O.V

"So, Malone is here, as is Becker, and they both owe you quite a lot of money. What do you want done to them?" Harrison asked, Tom sighing and putting his cigarette in between his lips as they sat in the booth in his club.

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