The everyday affair (Peter Parker)

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Requested by jeannhollandx: Y/N gets saved by Spider-Man and she ends up rewarding him with a Spider-Man kiss. It starts to become a thing that happens often. One day, Spider-Man goes to kiss her and she tells him no because she's in love with somebody else and she can't do this anymore. She explains that she's madly in love with her friend Peter Parker.

I walked along the street, my bag slung casually over my shoulder as I started to walk home from school.

"Hey, Y/N!" I turned around, my heart leaping as Peter, my best friend and crush jogged towards me.

"Hey, Pete." I chuckled.

"You tried to sneak out of school without saying goodbye, I'm offended." He joked as he held his hand to his chest in fake offence.

"I thought that you had your extracurricular activities." I teased. He chuckled and looked down before timidly looking back at me.

"I do. But I just figured that I'd catch up with you and say goodbye before I went." He shrugged. I smiled and bit my lip as I looked at him. Peter and I had been friends for years, but I'd always wanted more. He had always been so kind and compassionate, but then he'd hit puberty. He's gone from being a kind and compassionate nerd, to being a kind and compassionate nerd who was now also extremely attractive and ripped. His transformation hadn't helped my crush on him, and so here I was, crushing on my best friend. What a fucking cliche.

"Well, thanks for checking on me, Pete. I appreciate it. I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" I asked hopefully.

"Of course. See you then." He smiled, making me return it and bite my lip as I turned and continued walking.

I yawned, my eyes growing tired as I kept walking. I turned down an alleyway, my boots clicking against the ground as I walked. I looked up, my eyes widening slightly as a sleazy-looking guy walked into the alleyway, a smirk on his lips as he walked towards me. I gulped and looked down as I hoped that just passing him would work. Don't pay him notice, I thought as I walked past him. Suddenly, he grabbed my bag, making my eyes widen.

"Hey! Get off! Give it back!" I yelled as I pulled back, both of our hands yanking at my bag. He punched me in the face, making me cry out and let go of my bag as I fell to the ground. I looked up, my eyes widening as he ran away with my bag.

"Someone stop him, please!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Suddenly, Spider-Man dropped down at the end of the alleyway, making my eyes widen as the man stopped in his tracks.

"I don't think that that's your bag, dude." Spider-Man shook his head before firing a web at the bag. He yanked it out of the man's hand before jumping over him. He kicked him out of the alleyway, making him groan as he stumbled back. Suddenly, the man pulled out a gun, making my eyes widen.

"Uh oh." The hero gulped as the man started to fire at him. I screamed and ducked down, my shaking hands covering my head as Spider-Man leaped from wall to wall. The bullets ran out, making the man gulp as Spider-Man turned himself upside down and turned to face him.

"My turn now." He nodded before punching the man square in the face. He fell down, his eyes closing as the hero had knocked him unconscious. I gulped, my heart pounding and my eyes wide as Spider-Man turned around on the web attached to his feet to look at me.

"Are you okay?" He asked quietly, his body still hanging upside down. I gulped again and nodded as I stood up on shaky legs.

"Y-yeah, I'm okay. Thank you so much, my parents would kill me if my bag got stolen." I chuckled nervously as I walked towards him.

"Any time. It's all part of the job." He nodded. I bit my lip as I looked at him. I wasn't sure why, but something was really intriguing me about the masked hero. He had always been my favourite Avenger, and something about being face to face with him was only making those feelings stronger.

Tom Holland and Peter Parker one-shots 2.0Where stories live. Discover now