The cancelled date (Peter Parker)

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Requested by Doctorclara19: Y/N and Peter are dating. He cancels a date for some reason, and she's okay with that but when she goes out somewhere in the city, she sees him. It looks like he's just hanging out with MJ but he's doing something Spider-Man related. The next day she's kind of off and Peter asks her about it and they have a discussion about it.

I stood at my locker, my hands shoving my books into the box as I waited for Peter to get out of class for our date.

"Babe!" I looked to my side and my eyes widened slightly as Peter sprinted towards me.

"What's wrong?" I scoffed as he got to me.

"I'm so sorry, baby, I need to go, something has come up, and it needs Spider-Man. I need to go now." He gulped. My eyes widened.

"Of course, Pete, go. Jesus, you know that you can always cancel for a mission." I reassured.

"Urgh, I love you, you're amazing." He nodded, making me smile as he leant in and quickly pecked my lips before turning and starting to run away again.

"Be safe!" I yelled after him.

"I will be!" He called back, making me chuckle and shake my head as he ran out. Peter and I had been dating for a year now, and I'd known about him being Spider-Man for two. As much as I loved hanging out with him, I knew that he would cancel if a mission came up, and I was okay with that. After all, I wasn't about to stand in the way of him saving people. I bit my lip and watched him as he ran out, my mind thinking of what the mission could be like I always did.

I wandered along the street in the city, my eyes looking up at the massive buildings that towered above me as I walked. Since Peter had cancelled our date last minute, I had decided that I'd use the time to run a few errands that I had to do in New York. I looked ahead again, my lips curling into a smile as I saw Peter swinging over the city in his suit. But something was off. My eyebrows furrowed as he was carrying someone, my smile dipping as he got closer. He was carrying MJ. My best friend's legs were wrapped around my boyfriend's waist, her hands curled around his neck and her face buried into his shoulder as he held her waist.

"What the fuck?" I whispered to myself as they landed across the street from me. They hadn't seen me, meaning that I could continue watching them to see what would happen without being noticed. MJ climbed down off of Peter and they looked at each other, making me gulp. MJ said something and smiled at Peter, making him nod as his hands stayed on her waist. I gulped and tried not to cry. That was what Peter had done for our first date, he'd flown me over New York and we'd had our first kiss on the top of my building at sunset. It had been perfect. But now it looked like he was doing the same with MJ. I gulped harshly, tears pricking my eyes as I turned around and headed back in the direction that I'd come from. I needed to talk to Peter.

Peter's P.O.V

Peter kicked his foot into the chest of the thug, making the man groan and fall to the floor as Peter turned around. Another man ran towards him, making his eyes widen as he desperately tried to think of what to do. Suddenly, his eyes flicked to the pile of concrete blocks behind the thug. He puffed out and shook his head as he fired a web at one of the blocks. He looked at the thug.

"This is going to hurt." he stated before harshly tugging the web. The slab of concrete flew into the man's back and knocked him to the ground, unconscious. Peter turned around and gulped as he ran towards MJ, who was tied up against a pillar of the abandoned warehouse.

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