Love to hate (Peter Parker)

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Requested by pennywinkle0112: Y/N and Peter have always had a love-hate relationship because they're too stubborn to admit their true feelings for each other. They'll have heated arguments that lead to more intimate moments and won't admit to that, but when Y/N is in danger or is upset, Peter somehow always shows up because he has a soft spot for her.

"Seriously, fuck off, Pete." I scoffed as I hurried up the steps to school, him following after me.

"No, I won't, Y/N. You always do this, it's such a fucking joke." He returned. I rolled my eyes and turned around to face him.

"I always do what? Because the last time that I checked, you're the one who started this fight." I nodded.

"That's such bullshit." He spat. I rolled my eyes again as I headed to my locker, making him sigh.

"Come on, Y/N, don't give me the cold shoulder. You know that I love you really." He chuckled.

"Do I?" I scoffed as I turned to face him.

"Oh, come on. I love you so much, you know that." He smiled, making me roll my eyes playfully at him as he curled his arms around my waist.

"Sure I do, Pete. I definitely don't hate you." I teased, chuckling as he gasped in fake offence.

"Oh, you know that I can't let you get away with that." He shook his head. My eyes widened as he started to run his fingers up and down my waist, tickling my sides as he did.

"Peter! Stop! You know how ticklish I am!" I squealed.

"I know, that's why I'm doing this!" He laughed, making me return it as I lightly slapped his chest with my hand. Peter and I had a complicated relationship to say the least. We were best friends and we loved each other to the ends of the Earth. But we also fought like an old married couple. We would hate each other one moment and then be hugging and intimate the next, all of it to cover up the fact that I was utterly in love with the boy. I couldn't tell him that, though, I was too scared of losing his friendship and not gaining a relationship in its place. And so I wouldn't risk saying anything.

"What are you looking at me weirdly for?" He chuckled. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Oh, I'm weird now too, huh?" I scoffed.

"You've always been weird, Y/N." He teased back. I rolled my eyes and left his arms, though taking his hand in mine as I pulled away.

"It's lucky that I'm best friends with someone equally as weird, then." I retorted, making him smirk and bite his lip as we headed into class.

Peter's P.O.V

Peter walked along the school hallway, his eyes scanning the heads for Y/N as he searched for her. His eyebrows furrowed as he couldn't see his best friend and crush. Maybe the teasing that morning between the pair had been too much for her. Though, he doubted it, they'd fought like that for years, so it would be weird if suddenly now, it got too much for her. Peter walked towards MJ as he saw her.

"Hey, MJ, have you seen Y/N? We were meant to meet up after sixth period." He nodded.

"Yeah, um, something happened to her in class, so she went home early." MJ stated. Peter furrowed his eyebrows.

"MJ, what happened?" He questioned.

"Promise me that you won't kill this guy." She sighed. His eyes widened.

"I'm not going to promise that, because if he fucked Y/N over badly enough for me to want to kill him, what he did was bad." He nodded. She sighed again.

"Some of the girls were making stupid comments about the two of you. Asking why you act the way that you act and why you haven't just hooked up already. Then fucking Aiden starts going "he probably won't fuck her because of how ugly she is" and making some really shitty comments about her looks. I tried to calm her down but she ran out before I could." She explained. His eyes widened.

"That son of a bitch. Where the fuck is he?" he spat as he started to look around.

"This is why I was hesitant about telling you, Pete. I know that you want to hurt him, so do I, but your talents would definitely be better spent seeing if Y/N is okay. She needs you right now." MJ nodded. He sighed and looked at her. Whilst it was true that Y/N really grinded on Peter occasionally, so much so that sometimes he hated the girl, he would never hesitate to drop everything for her. Whenever she was in danger or was upset, they both knew that he'd be there in a heartbeat. And this time was no exception.

"Okay, yeah, I'll go and see if she's okay. But if Aiden happened to find himself down an alleyway tonight, looking suspicious, I don't think that Spider-Man would be opposed to having a chat with him." he hinted.

"Alright, Pete, I catch your drift, I'll see what I can do." she smirked, making him chuckle and nod as he headed out of school and started to make his way to Y/N's.

Y/N's P.O.V

I sat at my desk, tears running down my face as I tried to do homework in an attempt to distract myself from what was said that afternoon. What if Aiden's words were true, though? What if my relationship with Peter hadn't progressed beyond friendship because I wasn't pretty enough for him? I didn't consider myself bad-looking by any means, but I wasn't conventionally attractive either. Maybe conventionally attractive was what Peter was looking for. I gasped and shot my head up as I heard a tapping at my window. I rolled my eyes and breathed a sigh of relief as I saw Peter crouched on the other side of the glass. I got up and opened it, allowing my best friend to jump into my room as I shut the window.

"I heard what happened in class, Y/N. I'm so sorry." he sighed as he hugged me and gently held my head. I bit my lip and closed my eyes, tears running down my face as I listened to Peter's gentle heartbeat.

"He was being an asshole. But, I don't know. I can't help but think that maybe, he's right." I admitted quietly. Peter froze before pulling away slightly so that he could look at me.

"What?" he scoffed.

"Maybe, he's right, Pete. I mean, not in relation to you, but maybe I'm not pretty." I mumbled. His eyes widened and he shook his head as he gently took my hands into his.

"No, Y/N, he's not right. Don't you dare listen to that jackass. You're gorgeous, you're stunning, you're beautiful, you're every other word that has ever been used to describe something that's amazing to look at." he chuckled and shook his head. I bit my lip and looked up at him.

"Why are we still just friends, then?" I whispered. His smile dipped, his eyebrows furrowing.

"What?" he mumbled. I sighed and took my hands out of his, his gaze glued to me as I sat down on my bed before looking down at my lap.

"The truth is that I like you, Peter. A lot. And I cover it up with the fights and the disagreements that we have, because the hate in our relationship covers up the fact that all I want there to be is love." I admitted. His eyes widened slightly and he sat down next to me.

"Y/N, the fact that we're still just friends has nothing to do with the lie that I don't think you're beautiful. I think that you're drop-dead gorgeous. It more has to do with the fact that I didn't know until now that you felt the same way." he confessed. My eyes widened and I looked up at him.

"W-what? You feel the same way?" I gulped. He chuckled and nodded as he bit his lip.

"Yeah, I do. I have for a long time. But I was doing the same thing. I was using our fights to cover up the fact that in reality, I just wanted to be with you." he nodded. I choked, a smile spreading onto my lips as I leant forward and kissed Peter. He returned it immediately, his hands moving to cup my waist as my hands raised to hold his face. I broke the kiss and looked at him.

"That felt amazing." I admitted quietly, making him laugh.

"It did. And now, I think that it's the part of the story where I ask you out on a proper date." he smiled. I chuckled and bit my lip as I stared into his stunning chocolate eyes.

"I'd love to go out with you, Pete." I nodded. He returned it and gave me another small smile before leaning in and kissing me again.

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