Soda *SMUT* (Peter Parker)

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Requested by simpforsoup: Y/N and Peter are best friends who are so close that they're practically joined at the hip. They flirt harmlessly, all whilst hiding their real feelings for each other. One day, they're hanging out at Peter's since May is at work. Y/N opens her soda that she got on the way back and can see that Peter is hesitant to ask but wants to try it since he's never had that one before. She gets an idea. She asks if he wants to try it before taking a big gulp. He's confused as to what she's doing before she leans in and kisses him, letting him try the soda her way.

"I don't know, she just doesn't do anything for me." Peter chuckled, his hands in his pockets as we walked to Delmar's from school.

"How can she not do anything for you? She's Cara Delevinge. She does something for me, you're simply lying to yourself." I scoffed and shook my head.

"She's just not my type, dude!" He laughed.

"Who is your type, then?" I questioned.

"Slightly socially awkward girls who I hang out with every day and who are my best friends." He flirted, making me smirk and shake my head as we got to Delmar's. I bit my lip and tried to hide my blushing cheeks at Peter's comment as we headed into the shop. Peter and I had been best friends for the longest time, and unsurprisingly I was deeply in love with him. My feelings weren't helped by the fact that we were so inseparable that we were virtually joined at the hip. We spent every minute of every day together, even some nights were spent in the same bed and in each other's arms. But that, plus the casual flirting that happened constantly between us, made it hard to see him as just my best friend. He was way more to me than that by now, but as far as I knew, he just saw me as a best friend, and I had to live with that.

"Dude." I snapped back as Peter put his hand on my waist, making butterflies explode in my stomach at the touch.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"You all good? You looked like you were a thousand miles away." He chuckled, making me gulp as he curled his arms around my waist from behind and rested his chin on my shoulder as we looked at the sandwiches and snacks in Delmar's.

"Y-yeah, I'm okay." I nodded, desperately trying to hide my blushing cheeks and slightly tingling core as I looked at Mr Delmar.

"I'll take the vanilla cola soda, please, Mr Delmar." I nodded.

"Sure thing, niña. Your usual too, kid?" He asked Peter.

"Please." He smiled. Mr Delmar returned it and put the bag of our drinks and snacks onto the counter.

"Alright, I'll see you kids later." Mr Delmar spoke.

"See you later." I smiled as we left the shop.

Peter and I sat in his living room, watching a movie as we tucked into our snacks. I opened my soda, making Peter look at me.

"You know, I've still never had that soda before." he chuckled.

"You want to try it now?" I asked.

", i-it's okay." he shrugged as he looked back at the TV. I rolled my eyes as I could see Peter eying up the can, he clearly just didn't want to ask me if he could try it. Suddenly, I got an idea. My heart started to thump more harshly in my chest in anticipation of doing what I was planning in my head, but maybe it was exactly what we needed to take our relationship to the next level. Fuck it, I thought as I looked at Peter.

"Pete, I can tell that you want to try it, you just don't want to ask. It's okay, you can try some." I chuckled. He looked back at me.

"Okay. Yeah, sure, thanks." he smiled. I returned it before putting the can to my own lips and taking a massive gulp, making Peter's smile dip.

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