The singer (Tom Holland)

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Requested by megholland: Y/N is the singer who sings "London Boy" and she wrote it about Tom, who she has a massive crush on. Tom is also a massive fan of Y/N's and so goes to one of her gigs. She reveals that under five seats are tickets to go and meet her, and Tom gets one of the tickets. He goes to see her and they hit it off immediately.

I sat in my dressing room, finishing my makeup as I waited for my gig to start.

"Y/N." I looked over my shoulder as the door opened and my assistant, Jessie, walked in.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"You're on in five." She spoke.

"Is everything sorted?" I checked.

"Yup, five tickets are underneath seats, and I made sure that one was under his seat." She reassured.

"Brilliant." I smiled, making her chuckle and nod as I turned back to face my mirror. I was a famous singer and song-writer, and I absolutely loved what I did. I had a massive crush on the actor and dancer Tom Holland, and I had even written a song called 'London Boy' about him, though that was a concealed fact. When I had watched interviews of him saying that he loved my music, that was enough for me, and so I was absolutely over the moon when I found out that he'd bought a ticket to my gig in London tonight. Every gig, I put five tickets under random seats to give some of my fans the opportunity to come backstage and meet me. Except for this time, I had made sure that Tom's seat was one of the ones with a ticket underneath it.

"Come on, then. Let's do this." I nodded as I stood up, making Jessie nod as I headed out.

I finished my last song, my finger strumming the last chord on the guitar. The crowd screamed loudly and clapped, making me laugh and hold the microphone.

"Thank you so much, thank you. Now, I'm afraid that that's my last song for the night, show's over, guys." I shrugged teasingly. Everyone cheered and booed, making me laugh and shake my head.

"I know, guys, I'm sorry. But those of you who have been fans of me for a while know what the end of the show means." I nodded as people started to cheer.

"Yeah, you lovely people know what's up. So, I've put five tickets underneath random seats in this stadium. Have a look now, and if you have a ticket, congratulations. If you have a ticket, go to a security guard once I've left the stage, show them the ticket, and they'll take you backstage to meet me. Now for the rest of you, thank you so much for coming tonight, your support means the world to me as always. Have a safe journey home and thank you!" I exclaimed, making everyone cheer and clap as I took a bow. I started to head offstage, my lips in a smile and my hand waving as I left the stage.

"Another amazing show, well done." Jessie chuckled as she hugged me.

"I just love being out there, it's an amazing feeling." I smiled.

"Go ahead and go back to your dressing room, and I'll bring the winners through when they start to come." She nodded.

"Brilliant, cheers. See you soon." I returned the nod before heading back to my dressing room.

I sat on the sofa and scrolled through my phone as I waited for the winners of the tickets to come through.

"Y/N." I looked up as the door opened and my security guard walked in with a very excited-looking fan.

"We have our first winner." He nodded.

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