The zoom call *SMUT* (Tom Holland)

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Requested by overwrld: Y/N and Tom are eighteen and are dating. He comes in when Y/N is in a zoom class and gives her head during the class.

I knocked on Tom's hotel door and waited for a response. It opened almost immediately to reveal my boyfriend, a massive smile on his face as he saw me.

"Darling!" He exclaimed, making me laugh as his arms flew around my waist and he lifted me up.

"Tommy, I missed you so much." I sighed into his hair as he carried me into his hotel room and shut the door with his foot.

"I missed you so much too, love. God it feels so good to hold you again." He returned. I squealed and laughed into his hair as he carried me to his bed before collapsing us onto it, him pinning me down as he looked at me.

"It feels good to be underneath you again." I teased, making him smirk and shake his head as he leant down and kissed me. I returned it, my eyes fluttering shut and my hand holding his face as we kissed. Tom and I had been dating for a year now, and it was going amazingly. Tom had left for America a month ago to start filming for "Edge of Winter" whilst I carried on with school. Though I only had one online class left and so I'd convinced my parents to let me fly over there and see him, the condition being that I did my class on our first day together before spending the fortnight with him. But now I was finally here, and I couldn't wait.

"When's your class, love?" He mumbled as he broke the kiss and moved his lips down to my neck.

"In ten minutes. So, not long enough for what you're wanting to do." I teased, making him smirk into my neck.

"Damn. I guess that I'll have to wait then." He flirted back as he climbed off of me.

"Give me an hour and then I'll be free for the two weeks." I promised.

"I can't wait." He smiled, making me return it as he stood up and I got my laptop out.

I sat on Tom's hotel bed, my notebook on my lap and my laptop playing my class next to me as I watched it. I couldn't lie and say that I was paying attention, I was more focused on when the class would end and I could fuck Tom. The door opened, making me look up and smile at Tom as he came back into the room. His eyebrows raised as he saw my laptop.

"You in class?" He whispered as he pointed at my laptop.

"Yeah. Mic is on but the camera is off." I nodded. He returned it as he walked towards me.

"How long left?" He asked. I sighed and looked at the time.

"Fifteen minutes. I'm horny, though." I whispered, making him smirk and snicker quietly.

"Yeah, love?" He spoke, his voice still quiet as he knelt down in front of me and moved my notebook to the floor before resting his arms over my thighs. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Yeah. But what are you thinking? You have that look in your eyes." I teased. He smirked and bit his lip as he unfolded his arms from my legs and put his hands on my waist.

"I'm thinking that if you want something done before your class're going to have to be quiet." He nodded, his eyes darkening with lust as he hooked his fingertips into the waistband of my leggings. My eyes widened, my heart starting to thump in anticipation as I realised what he was suggesting.

"Tommy, I'm in a class." I whispered, though my ass automatically raised itself so that he could pull my leggings down.

"So? Your camera is off, you just have to be quiet. Not to mention that it's been a month since I've tasted you. I can't wait longer." He teased, making me smirk and playfully roll my eyes as he pulled my leggings completely off.

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