London boy (Tom Holland)

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Requested by fangirl1918: Tom is shooting a movie and decides to surprise Y/N by coming home early. When he gets back, he catches her dancing and singing to 'London boy' by Taylor Swift. He watches her dance and after the song ends, she realises that he was watching her the whole time.

I lay in mine and Tom's bed, my hand gently stroking Tessa's head as she lay next to my legs and I scrolled through social media. I sighed and looked at my boyfriend of two years' dog. It had been four months since Tom had left to start filming 'Spider-Man: No Way Home' and I was missing him like crazy. I'd moved in with him on our one-year-anniversary and so it now felt beyond alien to go months at a time being alone in the house, the only company being Tessa. But he was due a break in a couple of weeks' time, and so that was what I was holding onto. Suddenly, my phone started to ring, making me look at it. A smile curled onto my lips as Tom's face and name appeared on the Face-time call request. I answered it, my smile widening as Tom's face appeared on my screen.

"Hey, Tommy." I smiled.

"Hey, darling, you okay?" he returned, making me chuckle as Tessa jumped up at the sound of his voice.

"Look, you got her excited now." I teased as Tessa sat on my lap and sniffed at the camera.

"Sorry, beautiful girl, I'm not there just yet. Anyway, you okay, love?" he asked.

"Yeah. We're both missing you, though." I sighed as I scratched behind Tessa's ear.

"I know, love, but it'll only be a couple of weeks before I'm back again on break. You can wait that long, yeah?" he checked.

"I've waited for four months, Tommy, another two weeks won't kill me." I reassured, making him chuckle.

"Anyway, how's the movie coming along?" I asked.

"Um, yeah, it's getting there. It's great to work with Zendaya and Jacob again, who send their love, by the way." he nodded.

"Aw, that's so sweet." I chuckled.

"Yeah. So, are you doing anything in the next few days? You're still off work, right?" he asked. I looked at him.

"Yeah, I am, got nothing planned. Why are you asking, Tommy?" I chuckled sceptically. I didn't know what it was, but I was starting to get the feeling that the sneaky fucker had something up his sleeve.

"Just making conversation is all. Look, darling, it's late, so I'm going to sleep, I just wanted to check in with you before going to bed." he nodded.

"Alright, Tommy, speak tomorrow. I love you." I spoke.

"I love you too, sweetheart. Give Tessa a kiss for me." he requested. I leant down and kissed her head with a smile, making him laugh and nod.

"Night, love." he chuckled before hanging up. I sighed and bit my lip, tears pricking my eyes as I put my phone down on the bedside table and turned the light off. I lay down, Tessa snuggling into my body and prompting me to put an arm over her. I loved Tom to bits and I would always be infinitely proud of him, but these periods of him being away for months on end were always very hard. I sighed and let my eyes flutter shut, a tear slipping down my face as I started to fall to sleep.

Tom's P.O.V

"My god, I am tired." Tom chuckled as him, Jacob and Zendaya walked back to their trailers.

"What time is your flight tomorrow?" Zendaya asked.

"Eight a.m." he sighed.

"Oof, good luck." Jacob scoffed, making Tom chuckle and nod. As of late, he had noticed that Y/N had sounded a lot more sad on phone calls and Face-times to the boy, and according to his brothers, it was because of how badly she was missing him. So, he'd gone to Jon and had asked for a sooner quick break before the official one, and slightly to his surprise, had been granted it. Within a day, though not to Y/N's knowledge, Tom would be back home with the love of his life. And he couldn't wait.

Tom Holland and Peter Parker one-shots 2.0Where stories live. Discover now