Lies in the gym (Peter Parker)

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Requested by bethanyharrisonnn: Y/N is Tony's daughter and goes to school with Peter. There's a rumour going around the school that Tony Stark's daughter goes there, but no one knows who she is. One day Peter and Y/N are in gym class and Liz starts claiming that she's the daughter.

"Pete, we're going to be late!" I yelled as I shoved my stuff into my bag and rushed out of my room in the Tower.

"No, we're not, babe, I can always web us there if needs be." He chuckled as he rushed out after me.

"You are NOT webbing my daughter halfway across New York." My dad scoffed, making me chuckle as we headed into the kitchen to see him making breakfast.

"How else do we get there?!" Peter exclaimed as he threw his arms up in exacerbation.

"Happy drives you, as always." My dad shrugged, making Peter roll his eyes as I chuckled at the pair. I was Tony's Stark's daughter, and I was dating my former best friend and now boyfriend, Peter, also known as Spider-Man. We'd been at Midtown high school as a couple for two years now, and in the last few months, the rumour that Tony Stark's daughter was a student at the school had started to circulate. Of course it was true, but no one could know that and no one could know that it was me. There was always the threat of someone going after me because of who I was if they found out that I was my dad's daughter, and so we had to keep it quiet.

"Happy's outside, kids, get your asses out of here. Have a good day at school." my dad nodded.

"See you later, dad." I spoke.

"Bye, Mr Stark." Peter nodded, him waving us out as we headed to the elevator.

Peter's P.O.V

Peter lay on the floor of the gym, his arms crossed over his chest and Ned holding his feet down as he did press-ups. Despite his athletic abilities due to being Spider-man, Peter hated gym class. Since the guys always did press-ups and shit like that, and all of the girls just sat and talked on the bleachers, it was an excruciating hour of Flash talking shit about how Peter didn't actually know the Avengers, and Liz talking shit to Y/N about whatever the class drama was that week. And he fucking hated it.

"You're really not tired yet, dude?" Ned scoffed, making Peter smile and shake his head as he counted his one-hundredth press-up in his head.

"Super-strength." he shrugged, making Ned chuckle and nod.

"Hey, Penis Parker." Peter rolled his eyes, his body continuing to sit up and go back down as he turned to face Flash, who was fidgeting with the basketball in his hands.

"What do you want, Flash?" he mumbled.

"I just wondered how all of your Avenger buddies are doing? You know, since you know them." he nodded sarcastically, making Peter clench his jaw at the school bully. When Peter had become Spider-Man slash had gotten the 'Stark Internship', it had been big news that one of Midtown's own students was going to work so closely with Tony Stark. Though of course, Flash was very quick to shut it down and claim that Peter was lying through his teeth about all of it. And of course, because Peter had to keep the fact that he was Spider-Man a secret, he couldn't really fight back.

"Yeah, they're doing great, thanks for asking." he mumbled back.

"For fucks' sake, Parker, when are you finally going to give up that bullshit lie and admit that you're a pussy who just wants more attention?" he scoffed.

"I'll drop it when you stop being a dick about it." Peter shrugged as he continued to do press-ups, Ned innocently watching the back-and-forth as his hands held Peter's feet down.

"I'll stop being a dick when you stop lying about it." Flash retorted.

"We have a problem, then, don't we, flash?" Peter nodded sarcastically, making the bully roll his eyes and continue fiddling with the ball as Peter continued his press-ups.

Y/N's P.O.V

I sat on the bleachers with MJ, Bettie and Liz, all of us talking about whatever bullshit drama had happened this week in school.

"Okay, but did you hear that Brendan asked Kylie out, like, a day after he dumped June?" Betty scoffed.

"I don't care enough about that shit to have heard about it, so no." MJ smiled sarcastically, making me chuckle and shake my head at her as she leant back against the bench.

"Guys, I'm sick of this pointless drama, I actually have my own secret that I just can't keep hidden anymore." Liz sighed, making us look at her. I raised an eyebrow. This is going to be good, I thought to myself.

"Go on." I nodded. She sighed and timidly tucked her hair behind her ear.

"You guys know the rumour that's been going around school, the one that says that Tony Stark's daughter goes here? Well, it's true. And it's true because I'm his daughter." she stated. Everyone gasped, my eyes widening at her words. This fucking bitch, I thought as I stared at her. I knew that Liz was an attention-seeker who would say just about anything to stay relevant, but I didn't know that that apparently went as far as lying about being the daughter of a celebrity, especially a celebrity who you could be killed for having genetic ties to. She really didn't realise what she was saying.

"Sorry, you're Stark's daughter?" I scoffed with a nod.

"Yeah. I'm sorry that I've been lying to you guys for so long." she sighed. I narrowed my eyes at her as she kept up the lie, my gaze flicking to Peter as I noticed him looking at us with furrowed eyebrows. He looked at me.

"What's going on?" he mouthed. I rolled my eyes and waved him off, making him look even more confused as I looked back at Liz. I had to figure out a way to prove that she was lying without also exposing myself in the process and making myself look like a liar instead.

"You really will say anything to stay relevant, won't you, Liz? It's fucking pathetic." I scoffed and shook my head.

"I'm pathetic? For being brave enough to finally admit that I'm who the rumours are about? I think that you're just jealous that I'm the daughter of a billionaire, and so have loads of money." she spat.

"Oh, you want to bet?" I smiled sarcastically as Peter stood up and headed over to us.

"What's going on?" he gulped.

"Pete, you'll love this. Apparently, Liz is Tony Stark's daughter." I nodded to him as I pointed at her. He narrowed his eyes, his mouth pursing into an 'O' shape as if he was trying to figure out what to say as he looked at Liz.


"Oh my god, it's Tony Stark!" my eyes widened, as did Peter's as we looked at each other before looking at the door to the gym. Dad stood there, a sheepish smile on his lips as he held the door open.

"So sorry to barge in like this, but I actually need to borrow my daughter." he nodded, making my lips curl into a smirk. This was it. Liz's lie was about to be revealed as dad looked at me.

"Y/N, sweetie, come on, this is urgent." he nodded. Everyone stared at me with wide eyes as I stood up and grabbed my bag.

"Coming, dad." I spoke, everyone's eyes on me as I walked down the bleachers.

"You too, Parker, come on." dad spoke. Peter's eyes widened, everyone gasping at what dad had said. Flash's mouth hung open, the basketball slipping out of his grasp and bouncing to the floor as Peter grabbed his stuff too.

"Thank god." he chuckled as he jogged after me, both of us reaching my dad as he left the gym. Peter followed him out, but I stopped for a moment. I looked back over my shoulder at Liz, her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open.

"Sorry, Liz, what were you saying?" I smiled, making the whole class gasp and MJ smirk and look down. I bit my lip, my heart jumping out of happiness as I left the gym. My dad couldn't have picked a better time if he'd tried.

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