Interviews (Tom Holland)

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Requested by sweetvughead: Y/N is an actress who is open about advocating for feminism, BLM and LGBTQIA+ rights. One day, Tom is in an interview with a sexist male interviewer who starts trying to chat shit about Y/N's speeches and activism. Tom doesn't have any of it and stands up for Y/N.

"You all ready?" the interviewer asked, making me smile and nod as I sat down opposite her.

"I'm all good." I reassured. She returned my smile as the cameraman started to count down. He lowered his last finger, making me sit up straight and get ready for the interview to start.

"Hey, I'm Natalia and this is buzzfeed. Today, I'm joined by young actress and activist, Y/N Y/L/N." she smiled before looking at me.

"Thanks for having me." I chuckled.

"Now, first, let's talk about your most recent movie. I believe that you're starring alongside your boyfriend, Tom Holland, in the most recent 'Spider-Man' movie. How does it feel for that to finally be out?" she asked.

"It's amazing. I love playing 'Liz Allen' and it's awesome to be able to work alongside Tom, Zendaya and Jacob to bring the characters alive again." I smiled, her nodding along.

"So it doesn't put a strain on your relationship with Tom to work together?" she asked. I shook my head and bit my lip.

"I wouldn't say that it does, no. We've been together for two years now and it only makes it easier to work together. We click on every level, including on our level as co-stars." I shrugged.

"Does he click with you in terms of your views too?" She asked.

"Of course he does. We both believe in what I preach." I nodded.

"I'm glad that you said that, because that's also what I have questions on. You're not just an actor, you're an activist too. You've been very outspoken on social issues such as feminism, the "Black Lives Matter" movement and LGBTQ plus rights." She stated, making me nod again.

"Yeah, I'm a big believer in all of those movements. I don't understand why someone's life should hold less meaning and value because of their sex, skin colour or sexual orientation. And as an actor, I have a huge platform, which I think would be wasted if I don't use my voice to speak about these issues and give other people the space to talk about them as well." I explained.

"Well, I think that it's amazing. You have a voice, you're aware of that voice, and you're using it to bring about what change you can. It's admirable." She spoke.

"Thank you, I appreciate that." I smiled, making her return it as the interview continued.

Tom's P.O.V

"You all ready?" The interviewer asked as Tom sat down on the chair opposite him.

"Yeah, all good." Tom smiled. The interviewer returned it as he looked at the camera.

"Hello and welcome to WatchMojo, I'm Benji and I'm joined by "Spider-Man" actor, Tom Holland." He smiled as he looked at Tom.

"You alright?" He chuckled.

"I'm great, thanks. Now, we're here to talk about your most recent movie." He nodded.

"Yeah. It's awesome that it's finally out. All of us worked really hard on it, and it's always amazing to work so closely with my girlfriend." He smiled.

"Oh, yeah, you're dating Y/N Y/L/N." Benji stated.

"I am." He nodded.

"Does it not get boring, though? Listening to her bitch on and on about all of the feminism shit and all of that?" He scoffed. Tom's smile dipped slowly.

"Excuse me?" He returned the scoff.

"It's all she ever goes on about, am I right? It's all "women's rights" this and "gay rights" that, as if all of the groups of people that she goes on about don't have enough rights already." He chuckled and shook his head. This asshole was clearly expecting Tom to agree with every word, but he had another thing coming if that was the case.

"Well, no, Benji. The causes that Y/N supports are needed exactly because women, LGBTQ plus people and BAME people don't have enough rights and are treated differently. That's the whole point of the movements." He shook his head.

"I have to disagree, Tom. They'll all be taking over from white men before too soon if it carries on. It's all a load of bullshit if you ask me." He shook his head. Tom clenched his jaw at the man and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I didn't ask you, though." He shook his head. Benji's eyes widened slightly.

"Excuse me-."

"Yeah, excuse you. How dare you talk about Y/N like that. You've sat there and spoken about her and her activism as if you're expecting me to agree with you, why the fuck would I agree with you? Every single one of the causes that my girlfriend backs, it's because they're good causes that are vital to how people live. Fuck you for trying to make a mockery of those causes and Y/N." He spat and shook his head. Benji looked at him, the man's eyes wide as he was clearly at a loss for words.

"Are we done here? Because I certainly am done with this asshole criticising my girlfriend for being an activist." He nodded as he stood up.

"Mr Holland, I'm sorry-."

"Go fuck yourself." He mumbled before storming out of the interview.

Y/N's P.O.V

I sat on the sofa and flicked through my phone as I waited for Tom to get home. As if on cue, I heard the front door open.

"Darling? You home?" His voice called out. I headed out into the hallway, making him look up at me and sigh.

"Your agent called me and told me about the interview with the guy from WatchMojo. I'm sorry." I smiled sheepishly. He shook his head and playfully rolled his eyes as he curled his arms around my waist and I rested my hands against his chest.

"He was an asshole. He was trying to talk shit about you and your activism. He was a sexist prick who clearly doesn't give a shit about basic human rights." He scoffed and shook his head.

"Well, thank you for standing up for me. That was very sweet of you." I nodded.

"Course, sweetheart. I wasn't going to sit there and listen to him talk shit." He mumbled. I smiled and bit my lip, making him sigh as he leant down and gently kissed me.

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