Broken promises *part 2* (Mob boss!AU, Tom Holland)

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Requested by MyMischiefisManaged: Y/N teaches Tom a lesson about ignoring her by hanging out with Harrison more and going out to party with him. Tom notices and has a fight with her since he's jealous and doesn't want her spending all of her time with Harrison over him. Y/N explodes in return and gets mad at Tom since he's the one who started it.

It had been a week since I had yelled at Tom because he'd broken his promise, and unsurprisingly, nothing had changed. Tom had broken yet another promise and hadn't left his study much at all in the last week. And so I had been hanging out with Harrison instead. I knew that Tom didn't like me paying attention to his best friend over him, but that was the point of this. If he was going to ignore me, I was going to ignore him too. Harrison and I had been hanging out more often than normal this week, the pair of us going clubbing and going to parties when Tom couldn't. I knew that he was getting angry at the fact, but that's what I wanted. I wanted him to get jealous and angry enough to finally pay attention to me again. I headed into the living room, my lips threatening to curl into a smirk as Harrison sat on the sofa on his phone. Exactly who I needed to see.

"Hey, Haz." I spoke, making the boy look at me as he became aware of my presence.

"What's up?" He chuckled.

"Nothing much. You fancy going out again tonight?" I asked. He sighed and looked at me.

"When are you giving this up, mate?" He asked. I furrowed my eyebrows in fake confusion.

"Give up what, Haz?" I chuckled falsely.

"I know what you're doing, Y/N. Look, I love spending time with you, of course I do, but I know that you're only trying to get to Tom right now, through hanging out with me so much." He nodded. I sighed and sat down next to him.

"Look, Haz, he's been ignoring me for months. I told him last week that he got one more chance, and yet nothing changed. He's still not left his study all week. I told him that he'd regret it if he didn't pull his shit together, and so that's what I'm doing. I'm making him regret it, by making him jealous." I shrugged nonchalantly.

"I had figured that much out, but I think that you need to stop. This is only going to end in tears." He sighed and shook his head. I returned it and bit my lip.

"One more night, Haz. One more night and if this one doesn't make him break, I'll make the first move and will talk to him." I promised. He sighed again.


"Please, Haz. Apart from anything else, I need a night out with my best mate to forget about the fact that my boyfriend is ignoring me." I scoffed. He looked at me.

"Fine, alright. One more night out, and then that's it. You need to talk to Tom after this." He insisted.

"I will do, Haz. Thank you." I nodded, making him sigh as I stood up. I bit my lip as I left the room and started to head towards Tom's study. Maybe Harrison was right, maybe this was going too far. But at the same time, Tom had broken his promise for a second time, and had made no effort to change. I figured that I had a right to be a little petty. I got to Tom's study door and gently knocked before opening it. He looked up at me as I walked in, his eyes widening slightly.

"Love, hey. You alright?" He chuckled as I walked to his desk.

"Yeah. Just thought I'd let you know that Haz and I are going out tonight." I nodded as I crossed my arms over my chest. Tom's eyes wavered.

"Again?" He scoffed, his jaw starting to clench as he put his pen down.

"Yeah, again. I want to go out and have fun. If I can't do that with you, I'll do it with him instead." I shrugged. He scoffed and shook his head again as he stood from his desk, making my eyes widen slightly. So far, this was not the reaction that I had been expecting.

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