Broken promises *part 1* (Mob boss!AU, Tom Holland)

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Requested by MyMischiefisManaged: Tom is always working and not paying attention to his girlfriend, Y/N. One night, he promises that he'll meet her at his club but then forgets. At the club, Y/N gets hit on by a guy and Harrison has to step in since Tom doesn't shows up, despite the fact that he was supposed to be there. Y/N tells Tom what happened and is angry, but he doesn't seem to learn his lesson, and so she takes matters into her own hands.

I knocked on Tom's study door and waited for a response.

"Come in." My boyfriend's muffled voice sounded. I opened the door and rolled my eyes to myself as I walked into the same sight as I'd walked into every day for the last month. Tom's eyes glued to his work as his pen scribbled rapidly.

"You not done yet?" I sighed, making him look up at me as I shut the door behind me.

"Not yet, sweetheart. I'm getting there, though." He smiled at me. I returned it hesitantly and bit my lip, both of us knowing that his words were a lie as I walked around to his chair. Tom was the mob boss of the Holland mob here in London, and I was his girlfriend of two years. I loved Tom with all of my heart, but recently things had been tough. Of course being the leader of the mob was a really demanding and busy job, but we were currently going through one of our periods where Tom would be working non-stop for a month, and I'd be completely ignored by him. It was as if I just ceased to exist to him for that period of time. This stretch was no different, and so I'd come in with the hope of prying him away from his work so that we could go clubbing. I just hoped that it worked.

"How about you take a break? I'm going to go to the club, I think that you should join me." I nodded as I sat down on the arm of his chair. He sighed and looked up at me as he curled his arm around my waist.

"I really wish that I could, darling, but I still have a bit to do." he spoke apologetically.

"Come on, Tommy. The mob isn't going to fall into shambles if you take one afternoon off." I teased.

"You don't know that." he returned the joking, making me laugh and shake my head before biting my lip at him.

"Please, Tom. You've been locked up in here for a month. I miss spending time with you." I admitted as tears pricked my eyes. He sighed again and looked at me.

"I'll make you a deal, love. I really do need to finish this, so you go, and I'll meet you there. I'll be half an hour, tops, and then I'll be dancing and drinking by your side." he shook his head.


"I promise." he nodded as he held up his pinky finger. I sighed and bit my lip, hating the fact that all I could do now was just trust that he would keep his promise. I interlocked my pinky finger with his, making him smile as he leant up and kissed my cheek.

"I'll be there in half an hour, darling, I promise." he reassured as I stood from the arm of his chair.

"You better be, Thomas Stanley Holland." I warned as I opened his study door.

"I'll see you there." he smiled, making me hesitantly return it as I left the study. I sighed as I headed back to our room. I knew that Tom had just promised to meet me there, but I had an awful feeling in the pit of my stomach that told me that his promise would end up being broken. Only the night would tell. I sighed and shook my head, trying to rid myself of the feeling as I started to get ready to go to his club.

I sat at the bar, my knee bouncing anxiously as I looked around the packed club. I looked down at my phone and sighed as I saw that it was eleven-fifteen p.m. Tom had promised me that he'd be here by eleven. I rolled my eyes and took another sip of my drink. I knew that my boyfriend's work was important, but I had seen a lot more of his shut study door in the last six months than I'd seen of him. It was really starting to grate me down, not knowing when I'd next see him, and I didn't know how much longer I'd last.

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