Flowers (Soulmate!AU, Peter Parker)

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Requested by simpforsoup: Y/N and Peter live in a world where whenever your soulmate gets hurt, flowers appear on your body in the same area where they're hurt. One night, Peter gets really hurt doing a late-night patrol and goes to see Ned to patch him up. Except for that he accidentally goes into Y/N's house, not Ned's. Y/N freaks out and threatens to scream before she sees that Peter is really hurt. She starts noticing that he has cuts and bruises in all of the places that she has flowers. Due to the amount of flowers that she has on her body, she realises just how hurt he is, and decides to patch him up.

Sunlight streamed in through my open windows, the rays bathing the room in light as I slowly came to. I let my eyes flutter open, a yawn leaving my lips as I stretched out and arched my back off of the bed.

"Fuck." I groaned as I rubbed my eyes and sat up. I stood up and sighed as I went to my full-length mirror to do my usual checks.

"Let's see what he's been up to since last night." I mumbled to myself as I started to get undressed. As I removed my pyjamas, the fabric moved to reveal more flowers and markings against my skin. I sighed and bit my lip, my eyes moving over each new one as I stood there. In this world, soulmates existed. And in this world, if your soulmate got hurt, a flower marking would appear on your body where they had been hurt. If you were smart and savvy enough for it, you could eventually find your soulmate based off of where they were hurt and where you had flowers. I hadn't found mine yet, though, which was surprising considering that I had at least a few new flower markings on me every day. I always just figured that my soulmate was some dare-davil who liked to get himself injured for no reason. I didn't know, considering that I hadn't met him yet. I sighed and gulped as I looked over the markings. I had a few on my chest, which weren't new, but the one on my side was. And it was bigger, which wasn't good. The bigger the flower, the more serious the wound on your soulmate. Tiny petals equalled just a bruise or scratch, slightly larger and in-bloom ones meant a manageable flesh wound, even bigger and more colourful ones meant a more serious wound, one wanted the flower that would take up your entire chest. That meant that your soulmate's heart had stopped. I gulped, grateful for every day that I went without that flower on my chest, but the deep purple and fully blooming one on my side suggested that my soulmate had been stabbed. And it was a bad one. I sighed and shook my head, knowing that there was no point in dwelling over the actions of someone that I couldn't control as I started to get ready for the day.

Peter's P.O.V

Peter swung from house to house, his body in immense amounts of pain as he travelled. He cried out as he stopped, his feet landing against the sidewalk as he leant against the wall. He bent over, his arm hugging his side as he knew that he had to carry on. The massive slash on his waist said no, but he knew that he'd die if he didn't get it seen to. The slash had been there since his patrol yesterday, and it hadn't even started to heal before being hit again and made deeper by the assholes that he'd fought tonight. He puffed out, his eyes squeezing shut and his teeth gritting together as he stood up straight.

"Karen, call Ned." he breathed out.

"No problem, Peter." she replied before the dial tones started. Peter gulped and closed his eyes as he begged for his best friend to pick up.

"Hey, Pete." Ned picked up.

"Ned, I'm going to come by, I'm in a really bad way, dude." he choked and shook his head, the pain getting so bad that even his super strength couldn't block it out anymore.

"Crap, alright, yeah, come by." he nodded. Peter returned it and took a deep breath, knowing that this was going to hurt like a bitch as he raised his arm and shot a web up. He cried out as he was launched into the air, his body landing against the balcony of Ned's house. He choked at the pain, his hands pushing the doors open before he stumbled into the room.

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