The game ranger *part 2* (Tom Holland)

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It had been a month since I had met Tom in South Africa, and things had been interesting. Whilst I had asked Tom for his number and had texted him my number in return, I had only expected us to exchange numbers in order to get back in touch when he came back to England. What had actually happened was that he had texted me the day after Oscar and I had gotten back to England, and we hadn't stopped talking since. I had really fallen for him in the time that we'd been talking, even if it was just over text. Of course Oscar had noticed me becoming more distant, and so me secretly talking to Tom was starting to take its toll on my relationship with Oscar too. Maybe that's what I needed, though. I had no idea how to tell him that I wanted to leave him for a guy who I'd known for only a day in person before having talked to him over text for a month, so maybe us drifting apart was what was best. I snapped out of my thoughts as my phone buzzed with a text from Tom:

Tom: I'm back in Kingston today. Can we meet? X

I gulped, my eyes wavering and my heart jumping as I read the text. I wanted nothing more than to see Tom, the issue was Oscar finding out. As if on cue, I heard thumping. I looked up and my eyes widened as I saw Oscar dragging a suitcase down the stairs of my house.

"Oscar, what are you doing?" I scoffed as he dragged the bag to the front door.

"I'm going to stay with my sister for a few days." He admitted. My eyes widened.

"What? Why?" I gulped.

"Look, Y/N, I don't know what happened on the trip to the National Park, but things have changed in the last month. You've changed. I don't know why the fuck why, but you've been so distant recently, and the worst part is that I can't tell if it's me, or work, or something else entirely." he shook his head. I sighed and looked down.

"It's not you, Oscar, I swear to god. I know that's what you're meant to say in break-ups, but it's not-."

"Hold on, this isn't me breaking up with you." he scoffed. I looked back up at him.

"You're literally leaving with your bags, Oscar. What is this, if not a break-up?" I choked.

"A break. No 'up', just a break. Though now I'm starting to think that maybe just breaking up with you would be better." he nodded as he opened the front door.

"Oscar, please-." he slammed the door behind him, making me choke and bite my lip as I tried to figure out what to do. As much as I hated it, there was only one person who I could think to call. And that was Tom. I sighed, tears pricking my eyes as I opened my phone and scrolled along to his number before pressing 'call' and holding the phone to my ear. After a few dial tones, he picked up.

"Hey, love. I wasn't expecting you to call." he chuckled as he picked up. I couldn't help but let a smile curl onto my lips, butterflies exploding in my stomach simply at the sound of his voice.

"Yeah, I wasn't going to call, but, um...Oscar just walked out on me." I admitted. I bit my lip harshly, trying to stop the tears as Tom sighed.

"I'm sorry, darling. I know that I made my feelings clear, but I really am sorry that he walked out on you." he spoke gently.

"Thanks, Tommy. Can we meet up? I don't want to be alone right now." I choked.

"Yeah, of course. I can send you my address if you want to come over?" He offered.

"That'd be great, thanks, Tom. I'll see you soon." I nodded to myself.

"See you soon, love." He spoke. I sighed and hung up, my phone pinging with Tom's address as I grabbed my bag and headed out of the door.

I knocked on the door of the address that Tom had sent me, my heart almost pounding out of my chest as I waited. The door opened, my heart jumping as surely enough, Tom stood there.

"Hey, sweetheart. You okay?" He gave me a small smile as I headed into his house. I looked at him and sighed, making him return it as he leant down and hugged me. I returned it, tears pricking my eyes as I buried my face into his hair.

"I'm sorry, darling. I'm so sorry." He cooed as his hands rubbed up and down my back reassuringly.

"No, you're not. But that's okay." I nodded, making him give me a small smile as he pulled away and took my hand before pulling me down the hallway. My eyes widened as he gently led me into the living room and kitchen.

"Woah, this place is massive! How do you live here on a game driver's salary?" I scoffed.

"I did some acting work a couple of years ago. My salary from that paid for this house." He nodded as we sat on the sofa.

"Anything that I'd recognise you in?" I chuckled.

"I don't think so." He shrugged, making me gulp as he looked at me.

"What are we doing here, sweetheart? Because I don't think that it's an accident that you called me right after Oscar walked out." He shook his head. I bit my lip and sighed.

"You're right. The truth is, Tom, that I haven't stopped thinking about you since we left the park. You were right that I felt the spark between us too, but I kept denying it and telling myself that it wasn't there. But I can't deny it anymore, Tom. I can't lie to myself, you or Oscar anymore." I choked. His eyes widened slightly at my words.

"Are you saying that I think you are, sweetheart?" He gulped. I nodded and looked at him timidly.

"I'm going to leave Oscar. I want to be with you, Tom." I admitted. His eyes widened further, a breathless laugh leaving his lips as I smiled at him.

"Thank fucking god." He shook his head, making me laugh as he gently took my face into his hands before pressing our lips together. I returned the kiss, my lips smiling against his as he gently kissed me. He broke the kiss and touched our foreheads, my eyes fluttering open to look into his stunning chocolate eyes.

"I feel complete when I'm with you. So, will you be my girlfriend, darling?" He asked quietly. I nodded and bit my lip.

"I'd love to be, Tom." I whispered. He smiled again, making me return it as he leant in and gently kissed me once more.

Tom Holland and Peter Parker one-shots 2.0Where stories live. Discover now