Bra-less *SMUT* (Tom Holland)

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Requested by Homie_3: Y/N and Tom go out for something and they're just in sweats, so Y/N forgets to put on a bra before they go. When they're out, other guys notice that she doesn't have a bra on, and Tom starts to get jealous and protective.

My eyes fluttered open and shut, my eyelids fighting to stay open as I lay on top of Tom and he gently combed his fingers through my hair. Tom had come back from finishing 'Cherry' a week ago, but had still been busy with interviews, and so we had picked today to just have a day of doing absolutely fuck all. Hence why we were both in sweats, watching a movie and eating shit junk food whilst I lay on top of him. Tom looked down at me, a small smile on his lips as he saw how much I was fighting to stay awake.

"You okay, darling?" he chuckled as he pressed his lips to my head.

"Mhm. Just tired." I mumbled.

"I can see that, angel." he teased, making me chuckle against his chest as he reached his hand out to grab a crisp from the bowl on the coffee table.

"Shit, babe, we're out of crisps." he sighed as he grabbed the bowl and tilted it to make sure that it was empty.

"Well, let's go get some more then." I shrugged, making him look at me as I sat up on him and stretched my arms out.

"You were about to fall asleep on me two seconds ago, now you want to go out and get snacks?" he chuckled.

"I don't want to fall asleep, I want to spend the day, awake, with you. So, going out to get snacks gives me the slap in the face that I need to stay awake, and gives us more snacks." I nodded as I stood up.

"Okay then." he shrugged, making me smile as he stood up and grabbed his wallet and phone. He looked between us.

"Are we really going out like this?" he chuckled, making me look down at my attire as he gestured to the fact that we were both in sweatpants, he was in an old t-shirt and I was in a crop top.

"Tommy, it's Sunday, no one will care." I sighed.

"Fair enough." he nodded as he took my hand and we left the house.

Tom and I walked through the aisles of the corner shop, our hands joined and our fingers intertwined as we looked for snacks.

"Ooh, these ones are really nice." he chuckled as he grabbed a bag of crisps and put them into our basket.

"Where's the chocolate? I want chocolate." I nodded, making Tom smile as he kissed my head.

"They're around there." he spoke. I let go of his hand and headed around the aisle to where the chocolate was. I bit my lip and tried to decide what I wanted.

"Hey, babe." I looked to my side and rolled my eyes as a guy stood there, a smirk on his lips as his eyes skimmed up and down my body.

"Can I help you?" I smiled sarcastically.

"Nah. I'm good." he shook his head as his eyes flicked down to my chest. I looked down and rolled my eyes as I realised why he was staring. Evidently I had forgotten to put a bra on before Tom and I left the house, and so my nipples were poking against my crop top.

"Grow up and stop acting like you've never seen a pair of boobs before. My eyes are up here." I spat as I looked back at the man.

"I don't care where your eyes are." he shook his head, making me clench my jaw.

"Is there a problem, darling?" Tom asked as he appeared next to me, his eyes staring coldly at the man as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"No problem at all, mate." he chuckled. I rolled my eyes and flipped the man off as he walked away.

Tom Holland and Peter Parker one-shots 2.0Where stories live. Discover now