The female boss (Mob boss!AU, Tom Holland)

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Requested by bharrisonnn: Y/N is the mob boss and she picks up Tom.

I climbed out of the car, my heels making contact with the concrete and my dress clutching my thighs as I stood up.

"I'm assuming that you found him?" I asked as I walked into the warehouse with my right-hand man and best friend, Harrison.

"He wasn't hard to find. He fancies himself a looker, so he's always in a club. I don't know if he's stupid or just very cocky, but he prefers to frequent your clubs, which makes him even easier to find." He nodded.

"Course he fucking does. Arrogant little bastard." I scoffed as I walked in. My lips curled into a smirk as my eyes fell upon an unconscious Tom Holland, the boy tied to the chair that his body was slouched against as his head lulled. I bit my lip and walked towards him as I tried to figure out what I was going to do with the boy. He was the heir to the second biggest mob in London, whereas I was the heir to the biggest mob, and was therefore considerably more powerful than him. And so when I had found out that he'd tampered with our latest drug shipment, I'd had my men track him down. So, here we were.

"Wake him up. I need to have a talk with this asshole." I nodded. Harrison returned it before opening a vial of smelling salts and wafting them underneath Tom's face. He started to stir, groans leaving his lips as he raised his head. I stood in front of him, my hand on my hip as his eyes fluttered open. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, his eyes opening fully as he looked around.

"What the fuck?" he mumbled, his eyes darting around as he looked down and around at his hands tied behind his back.

"Long time no see, Tommy." I spoke. He looked up at me, his eyes widening slightly as he saw me.

"I should have known that you were behind this. You lot get so angry when we hijack your shipments." he smirked and shook his head.

"I wonder why." I cooed, making his smirk widen as I sauntered towards him.

"What's the plan to get your shipments back, then? Kill me? Threaten my brothers? Whatever you've got planned, just do it so that I can get out of here." he scoffed arrogantly. I returned it, my eyebrow raising as I looked at the cocky little shit. I straddled him, making him raise his eyebrows as I sat on his lap with my body facing him.

"Wow. I like where this is going, darling." he continued to tease with a smirk.

"You won't in a minute." I smiled sarcastically before pulling the gun out of the holster strapped to my thigh and pressing the barrel of it into his neck. His smirk dropped, and he clenched his jaw as I forced his head to tilt slightly with the gun.

"Fucking brilliant." he mumbled as he glared at me.

"I really don't want to have to shoot you, Tommy, your face is too pretty to ruin. But I'll do it, if you don't tell me where the shipment is." I mumbled.

"I'm calling bullshit." he spat, making me scoff.

"You sure?" I nodded as I cocked the gun and pushed it further into his skin.

"One." I started counting, making Tom gulp and look at me.

"Two. If I get to three, your brains are going to decorate the floor of this warehouse." I warned. Tom clenched his jaw again and looked at me, his body tense underneath me.


"Fuck, fine. They're in shipment container thirty-nine instead of twenty-three. Same dock. We didn't have time to change it up any more than that." he spoke through gritted teeth, making me smirk and nod as I removed the gun from his jaw.

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