Black and white (Soulmates!AU, Peter Parker)

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Requested by bethanyharrisonnn: You see the world in full black and white until you look into your soulmate's eyes for the first time. Y/N and Peter meet properly for the first time but when they do, he's in his Spider-Man costume, so Y/N can't see Peter's eyes. He sees hers, though, and so puts two and two together when he can suddenly see colour for the first time. Because of this, Peter is forced to take his mask off and reveal to Y/N who he is, leading her to also see colour for the first time.

I walked into school, my earphones in as I walked in through the crowds of rowdy students. I looked around, not seeing anything new as I headed to my locker. I opened the door and shoved my books into the colourless box, the contents also cloaked in black and white as I looked to see if I'd need anything for the day. Nothing stood out. But that wasn't new. I lived in a world where everything, and I mean everything, was in black and white until you looked into your soulmate's eyes for the first time. It was a cute enough idea, and it made it extremely easy to know when you'd found your soulmate given that you'd suddenly see colour for the first time, but it meant that you could live for many years without seeing any other colours apart from black and white. It was a pretty sad existence, not even knowing what the colour of your own eyes and hair was, which is why it was so aspired upon to meet your soulmate. Of course there was more to life than finding your 'one' but everyone wanted that moment when not only did they see colour for the first time, but they knew that they'd met the person literally made for them. Considering that I was now eighteen and only months away from leaving Queens for university, I was hoping to get that moment soon too.

"Hey, loser." I looked to my side and gave MJ a small smile as she walked towards me.

"You good?" I greeted.

"Very. Something big happened yesterday." she smiled. I looked at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"Pray tell, I guess." I chuckled somewhat nervously as I tried to guess what she'd say.

"I met my soulmate yesterday." she admitted. My eyes widened.

"WHAT?!" I exclaimed, making her laugh and nod as she took my hands.

"I know, right?! I was at the book cafe and this girl just walks in. I look up as I always do when someone walks in, and she looks back at me. Before I know it, colour is spreading over everything. You know better than anyone how miserable I am sometimes but my god. Seeing colour for the first time, plus meeting her, it was amazing, Y/N." she smiled. I bit my lip and tried not to cry, partly out of happiness for my best friend, but partly out of jealousy and upset for myself due to the fact that I hadn't had that yet.

"I'm so happy for you, MJ. Oh my god, what's it like seeing everything in colour?!" I squealed.

"It's so cool, so beautiful. Y/N, your eyes are gorgeous." she shook her head. I smiled and bit my lip.

"Don't tell me what colour they are or anything, I want to see for myself when I meet my soulmate. If that ever comes, that is." I gulped.

"You will meet them, Y/N. It's just a matter of time, I can feel it." she nodded.

"Thanks, MJ." I returned, making her give me a small smile as we turned around to head to class. My gaze fell upon Peter Parker as we turned around, my heart jumping at the sight of the boy standing further down the hallway and looking down at his phone. Even in black and white, he was absolutely fucking beautiful. His hair was always in beautiful waves, and the shade of grey that it was suggested that it was a brown colour of some sort. After all, those who still couldn't see colour were taught roughly what colours were in shades of black and white, so we could make relatively educated guesses until we could see the actual colours for ourselves. The issue was that Peter and I weren't really friends, and so we'd never actually looked into each other's eyes. He was a relatively shy boy, and so whenever I had tried, he had looked away. Not that it really mattered anyway, I doubted that the universe liked me enough to give me such an attractive, kind and smart soulmate. I sighed and snapped out of it as I felt MJ take my arm, making me give her a small smile as we walked towards class.

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