The family holiday (Tom Holland)

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Requested by mrsholland199601: Tom surprises Y/N and his family with a trip to the Kruger National Park. He also tells his family that he wants to propose to Y/N on the trip. They go, Tom takes her to a beautiful location, and proposes.

Tom's P.O.V

"What's going on?" Y/N asked, everyone filing into Tom's parents' living room as Tom stood by the Christmas tree.

"Yeah, I was in the middle of making everyone teas." Harry scoffed as everyone sat down on the sofas in front of Tom.

"Well, I actually have one last Christmas present. But it's for everyone, so this felt like the best way to give it to you guys." Tom shrugged.

"Go on, then, what is it?" His mum chuckled. He smiled and bit his lip as he looked at them, though predominantly at Y/N.

"I've booked all of us on a holiday, in July, to Kruger National Park in South Africa." He admitted. Everyone's eyes widened.

"What?!" Paddy exclaimed.

"You're joking!" Sam laughed.

"I'm not. We have two weeks at the park at the start of July. It'll be incredible." Tom smiled.

"Yes it will be, oh my god!" Y/N laughed, making Tom return it as she shot up and tightly hugged him. The boy returned it, his face buried into Y/N's hair as he held the love of his life.

"You like the idea, darling?" He mumbled into her hair. She pulled away and gave him a small smile, making him bite his lip as his heart fluttered. God, he was so in love with her.

"I love it." She smiled before pecking his lips.

"Do you have the details of it? Can you show us the resort?" His dad asked.

"They're on my phone...shit, my phone is in the kitchen. Love, can you grab it for me?" He sighed, his hands patting his pockets as he pretended to look for his phone.

"Sure." Y/N smiled and nodded before heading into the kitchen. Tom followed her with his gaze to make sure that she was definitely out of earshot before turning back to his family.

"Okay, I have another surprise for you guys. I didn't just book the park for a family holiday. I also booked it to propose to Y/N whilst we're there." He confessed. Everyone's eyes widened again.

"Oh my god!" His mum squealed.

"That's such a good idea, she's going to love that." Harry smiled.

"You reckon?" Tom chuckled nervously.

"You don't get more romantic than that, son, she's going to love it." his dad reassured. He nodded and bit his lip, his heart jumping in anticipation of proposing to Y/N and then eventually making her his wife.

Y/N's P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open, a yawn leaving my lips as I slowly came to. The beautiful African sunlight streamed into mine and Tom's hotel room, making me sigh out in bliss. When Tom had told me and his family that he'd booked for us all a two week holiday in the beautiful Kruger National Park, I had been ecstatic. It was our last day here, and today Tom had planned for just the two of us to go to the stunning waterfalls that were nearby. I looked down and smiled slightly as Tom's arm was wrapped securely around my waist, my naked back held into his also bare chest. I leant back and gently placed my lips against his.

"Mm." he mumbled, making me smile as he returned the kiss and his hand raised to cup my cheek and pull me closer. I broke the kiss and bit my lip at my amazing boyfriend as his eyes fluttered open.

"Morning, beautiful." He spoke in his raspy morning voice.

"Hey." I whispered, making him smile and bite his lip.

"You looking forward to our last day here?" He asked as I rested my chin on his chest and he gently tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"It'll be good. I just wish that we didn't have to go home." I chuckled.

"I know, it's beautiful here. And yet somehow, you're still more beautiful." He smiled.

"Aw, Tommy." I returned his smile, making him smirk as he leant in and gently kissed me. I returned it, his hand cupping my cheek and pulling me closer as we kissed. I squealed against his lips as he rolled us over so that he was on top, his smirk widening as he broke the kiss and moved his lips down to my neck.

"Tommy, we have to get ready if we want to make the trip to the waterfalls!" I giggled as I teasingly tried to push him off of me.

"Or we could just stay in bed and have loads of sex." He teased, making me laugh and shake my head as I pushed him off of me and sat up.

Tom and I walked along the path, our hands joined as we walked by the waterfalls.

"God, they're absolutely beautiful." I sighed in bliss.

"Still not as beautiful as you." He shook his head. I playfully rolled my eyes and lightly slapped his chest, making him smirk and kiss my head as we walked up the path. We walked onto the rocks, the sound of the waterfall almost deafening as we got to the bottom of it.

"This is so magical!" I laughed and shook my head as Tom curled his arms around my waist from behind.

"It really is. It's like something out of a movie. Which is why it's the perfect place to do this." He spoke as he let me go. My eyebrows furrowed and I turned around to look at him, but my heart quickly jumped as he got down on his knee.

"Tommy, what the fuck?" I choked, my hands raising to cover my mouth in shock as he gently opened the velvet box in his hand to reveal an absolutely beautiful engagement ring. He gave me a nervous smile, tears pricking his gorgeous chocolate eyes as he looked up at me.

"Darling, I didn't just book this holiday for us to have a break. I booked it with the hope of making you my fiancé on it." He nodded, making me laugh and shake my head as tears started to leave my eyes.

"Sweetheart, I love you so fucking much. You are my world, I wouldn't be who I am today without you by my side. I can't live without you, but I'm done living with you being my girlfriend. I'm ready to live with you being my wife. And so, will you make me the happiest man on Earth by marrying me?" He gulped.

"Yes, Tommy, yes! Oh my god, yes!" I cried. His eyes widened and he laughed breathlessly as he shot up to his feet. He immediately joined our lips, making me return the kiss as I held his face. I broke the kiss and looked down, both of us smiling and laughing as he gently put the gorgeous ring into my shaking finger.

"Tommy, we're getting married, I can't believe it." I choked and shook my head.

"Neither can I. But I can't wait to make you my wife." He smiled. I returned it and laughed, making him smirk as he leant down and kissed me again.

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