HYDRA'S best agent *part 3* (Peter Parker)

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Requested by simpforsoup: Over the next week, Y/N slowly starts to improve again. As more time passes, she's finally let out of the container and her relationship with Peter progresses. But then, she enters the uncharted territory of having a crush on him, and so starts to push him away since she gets scared. Peter notices and starts to wonder what he did to deserve her ignoring him.

I sat in the container, my back against the wall like it had been this entire time. The door opened, making me look at it. Peter walked in, a small smile on his lips as he saw me.

"Hey, Y/N. You okay?" he asked as he sat down on the other side of the glass wall.

"As okay as I can be when I'm still locked in this box." I muttered.

"Well, that's why I'm here. You're getting out." He admitted. My eyes widened and I turned to look at him.

"What?" I gulped. He smiled and bit his lip at me, making me choke.

"Mr Stark and I agreed that you've made a lot of progress this week. Even if you're still a bit distant, we think that you being kept in here no longer helps." He shook his head. I returned it and bit my lip. I had to admit, he did have a point. It had been a month since I had first been locked into the container but I had become less hostile towards the Avengers and Peter. Instead of yelling at them, I'd just grumble and mutter small "whatever"s at them. Instead of trying to fire my energy at Peter when he pissed me off, I'd just been rolling my eyes at him. I started to feel warm and bubbly around him, and I didn't know what to think about that. I had only realised recently that I had been letting my walls down without even realising it, and I didn't like that. I couldn't let him see how vulnerable I was.

"No. Really? He's letting me out?" I gulped as I stood to my feet. He nodded and bit his lip as he tried to suppress a smile.

"Yeah, he is. On the condition that you don't try to kill any of us once you're let out." He stated.

"Pete, I never wanted to kill any of you. I'd have hoped that you understood that." I scoffed.

"I do. I know that you couldn't control it." He reassured. I sighed and looked at him.

"When am I getting out?" I asked.

"Mr Stark is in a meeting right now, but straight after that. Is there anything that you want to do when you get out?" He asked. My eyebrows furrowed at the question.

"Why are you asking me that, Pete?" I mumbled. He shrugged and looked at me.

"Well, it'll be your first day of freedom in fuck knows how long. I guess that I want to make it special for you." He admitted. I gulped and bit my lip, butterflies exploding in my stomach at his words. The issue was that I still didn't know if I wanted to get closer to Peter. By this point, I saw him as a friend at least, but I was still petrified of hurting him, or worse. It was a double-edged sword, and I wasn't sure yet what side I wanted to be on.

~Two months later~

"Stop, Pete, stop!" I laughed, him returning it as we play-fought on the sofa in the living room. Peter was on top of me, my legs kicking out at him but failing as he held my wrists above my head.

"Stop what? I'm not doing anything." He smirked cheekily, making me laugh and shake my head again. I had been out of the container for two months now, and to say that Peter and I's relationship had majorly progressed was an understatement. I always felt warmth and happiness when I was with him, and I found myself missing him when we weren't together. Though, whilst part of me really liked him, the other part of me was fucking terrified of how close we'd become. I'd never been in this position before, I'd never liked someone and potentially had them like me back, and it terrified me. If I was completely honest with myself, I didn't know yet if I wanted it to progress further. I still had to see.

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