Blind (Tom Holland)

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Requested by ancky_monkey: Y/N and Tom have been together for two years and always travel together for his movies. One day, Y/N gets into a car accident and when Tom arrives at the hospital, they're told that the accident made her blind. They're told that surgery will give her a very slim chance of getting her vision back, and so she starts to doubt everything, including if Tom will stay with her since she can no longer see.

*Please note: this one-shot contains mild injury details of injuries to eyes, so if you're squeamish about eye-related injuries, please be cautious when reading. Thank you and enjoy :)*

I sat in the car, my hands on the steering wheel as I drove home from the shopping centre. Suddenly, my phone started to ring through the car's bluetooth with my boyfriend of two years, Tom's number. I clicked 'answer call' on the screen.

"Hey, Tommy, you okay?" I answered.

"Hey, love, are you still at the shopping centre? I'm packing for Saturday, and I have a pathetic amount of t-shirts." he chuckled.

"Babe, I just left the shopping centre and I was there for, like, three hours, why didn't you say anything sooner?" I sighed.

"...Sorry." He replied, making me chuckle and shake my head as I could practically hear the sheepish smile on his lips. Tom and I had been together for two years, and it had always been nothing but perfect. I'd fallen hard for the boy within months of us having started dating, and I knew that he felt the same about me. Despite the fact that Tom travelled a lot because of his job, we were lucky in the fact that I worked from home and so I always travelled with him on jobs. It was something that we were very thankful for given that it meant that we always stayed together, and that only made our relationship stronger. We were in the process of packing to go to Atlanta next week for the start of Tom filming the third 'Spider-Man' movie, and to say that I was excited was an understatement.

"Okay, it's alright, I'll stop by another shop on the way back." I replied as I stopped at the red light.

"Thank you, sweetheart. How about you also stop at Ann Summers or something? Get yourself some new lingerie for our first night in Atlanta? My treat." He flirted.

"Your treat for me, or your treat for you?" I smirked.

"Both." He returned. I laughed and shook my head as the light turned green, making me start to drive the car forward again.

"I'm nearly at the shop, so I'll call you later, Tommy. I love you-." I was cut off by the sound of a car horn sounding. I looked to my side, my eyes widening as the car raced towards me.

"OH MY GOD!" I screamed, my body being jolted about as the car slammed into me.

Tom's P.O.V

"Okay, it's alright, I'll stop by another shop on the way back." Y/N spoke.

"Thank you, sweetheart. How about you also stop at Ann Summers or something? Get yourself some new lingerie for our first night in Atlanta? My treat." Tom suggested, a smirk on his lips as he looked down.

"Your treat for me, or your treat for you?" She replied.

"Both." He returned. She laughed in response, making his smirk widen at the sound of her gorgeous laugh. It had been two years since Tom had first asked Y/N out and he was absolutely certain that he'd never get tired of that heavenly sound. Everything about Y/N was perfect to him, which is why he was still baffled that she'd picked him to potentially spend the rest of her life with. He was the luckiest man on the planet, even more so because her job meant that she could go with him when he had to film a movie. He loved life, and he loved the fact that he shared it with Y/N.

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