New girl *part 1, SMUT* (Tom Holland)

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Requested by megholland: Y/N and Tom used to know each other in high school but they lost touch when Tom's career skyrocketed, but Y/N is still friends with Harrison. After five years, Y/N moves back to London after not having spoken to Tom in that time. Tom sees her again and falls in love with her instantly. Y/N is used to boys going crazy over her, so they start flirting. Tom invites her out clubbing with him and Harrison, where one thing leads to another.

I knocked on Harrison's door and waited for a response. It opened to reveal the blond boy, smiles quickly spreading onto both of our lips as we looked at each other.

"Y/N!" he exclaimed, making me laugh and squeal as he wrapped his arms around me before picking me up.

"Haz! It's so good to see you again, my god!" I laughed as he gently put me down inside of his apartment before shutting the door.

"I know! It's crazy that you're finally back in London." he smiled.

"It kind of is. But my god, it's good to be back." I chuckled, making him smirk and nod as we headed into the kitchen.

"When is Tom coming over again?" I asked.

"He'll be over any minute. He still has no idea that you're back." he stated.

"All has gone to plan them." I teased as I jokingly rubbed my hands together, making my best friend laugh as he continued cooking what he was cooking. Tom, Harrison and I had been really good friends back in secondary school, so much so that we'd done everything together. Naturally I had developed a bit of a crush on Tom, but given the fact that I'd never been much to look at back then, I had figured that Tom wouldn't reciprocate those feelings. The pair of us had lost touch when his acting career had taken off and I had moved out of London, but I'd stayed in contact with Harrison the entire time. And so I was now back and was at Harrison's, ready to surprise Tom after five years. Secretly, I was also hoping to surprise him slightly with how much my looks had developed too in the last few years. Suddenly, Harrison's doorbell went, making me look up.

"Can you get that, mate? It'll be Tom." he stated.

"Sure." I nodded as I headed back out into the rest of Harrison's apartment.

Tom's P.O.V

Tom got to Harrison's door and rang his doorbell before looking down at his phone as he waited. He heard the door open, making him look up. But it wasn't Harrison that he saw. It was Y/N, his best friend from school who he hadn't spoken to in five years. And fuck, she had changed. Tom's eyes widened as he looked at the girl who was his old friend. When Tom had known Y/N, she hadn't been unattractive, but she had been your typical, spotty, normal teenage girl. Now, she was stunning. So stunning that Tom even wondered if she'd become a model since they'd last spoken. She was absolutely gorgeous, and Tom was already falling for her. And he was falling hard.

Y/N's P.O.V

I opened Harrison's front door, making Tom look up from his phone. His eyes widened as he saw me.

"Y/N, oh my god." he scoffed, making me laugh as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and he wrapped his arms around my lower back in order to return the hug.

"Surprise! I've officially moved back to London." I chuckled as I looked at him. He just stared at me.

"Yeah, I see that! Jesus, I'm sorry, you're just stunning, wow." he scoffed again and shook his head as he shut the door. I smirked and bit my lip as I looked at him. I was aware that I'd had a major glow-up in the last few years, and I knew that my looks tended to get the attention of equally attractive guys who wanted to flirt. Tom was no exception, which I didn't have a problem with since he was another cute guy. I wasn't in love with him by any means, but a little bit of flirting never hurt.

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