New girl *part 2* (Tom Holland)

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Requested by megholland: Y/N wakes up the morning after having had sex with Tom and is mad at herself for sleeping with him and so leaves before he wakes up. Tom wakes up to find her gone and so spends the whole day calling and texting her but gets no response, so he heads to her house. He finds Y/N and Harrison there, hanging out and watching a movie. Harrison lets Tom in, must to Y/N's dismay but it ends up being for the best as things are admitted.

My eyes fluttered open, my body being pulled out of sleep as I came to. I yawned, my eyes squeezing shut and my limbs stretching out. I had to admit that it was a nice change to not wake up with a hangover the morning after a night out. I looked down, my eyebrows furrowing as I was naked in white sheets and a strong arm was wrapped around my waist. My eyes widened as I started to remember what I'd done last night. And who I'd done it with.

"Shit." I whispered under my breath as I looked over my shoulder to see Tom still asleep, his hair messy and soft snores coming from his slightly parted lips as his naked body also lay in the sheets. I sighed and sat up before burying my head into my hands. Why the fuck did I sleep with him? I mean, sure, he was very attractive and was a good flirt, but he was also kind of an asshole for making it blatantly clear that I hadn't been attractive back in school. All of his comments about how I glowed up and how I was so attractive now also came with a stab at my younger self. And that hurt, especially as part of me still liked Tom. That's what made it even worse. I was figuring that Tom wanted nothing more than a one-night stand because he thought that I was attractive now, but I doubt that he saw me as girlfriend material, whilst I admittedly could see him being my boyfriend. That would never happen, though. I sighed and bit my lip. The worst part is that I couldn't even blame alcohol for this mistake, I had been tipsy at worst throughout the night and had been completely sober by the time that Tom and I had fucked. Nope. I was solely to blame for this. I gulped and stood up, my eyes flicking the boy to make sure that he stayed asleep as I quickly got dressed before grabbing my bag and shoes. I bit my lip and looked at him again. I couldn't deny that he was insanely attractive, and even that there were some feelings still there, but part of me was also still hurt by his comments. I couldn't see how it would work. I shook my head, tears pricking my eyes as I left his apartment.

Tom's P.O.V

Tom yawned as his eyes fluttered open, the morning sunlight flooding into his apartment as he came to. Suddenly, he remembered what he'd done last night. A smile curled onto his lips, happiness filling his heart as he remembered the night of sex and bliss with Y/N, who Tom was now convinced was the love of his life.

"Morning, darling." Tom sighed in bliss as he looked to his side. His eyebrows furrowed and he leant up on his elbows as he was greeted with an empty bed. He looked up and around his bedroom.

"Y/N, babe?" He called out. He gulped, a pit starting to form in his stomach as he sat up and pulled a pair of jogging bottoms on before heading out into the rest of his apartment.

"Y/N!" He shouted her name as he looked around. He bit his lip, tears starting to prick his eyes as it looked like she'd gone before he'd woken up. Was he just a one-night stand to her? He hoped not. He grabbed his phone and clicked on her number before holding the phone to his ear. His eyes wavered as it went straight to voicemail, telling him that the girl had declined the call.

"Hey, Y/N, it's me. I woke up and you were gone. I guess that I just want to make sure that you're okay, and got home safely." he nodded before looking down.

"I, um...I had a really good time last night. And I don't just mean the sex, just being with you in general. It was really awesome and nice to see you again after all of this time. I missed you." the boy admitted quietly.

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