The birthday (Peter Parker)

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Requested by _soeen: Peter and Y/N "hate" each other. It's the reader's birthday but MJ and her other friends forget. Peter then secretly gives Y/N a cake and confesses his real feelings through a note, but he doesn't put his name on the note. Y/N investigates who her mystery admirer is, and she finds out when she sees Peter's writing.

I walked into school, a smile on my face as I walked in. Today was my eighteen birthday, AKA my last birthday to be spent in high school, and so I was looking forward to it more than most. I'd put on my nicest outfit and had done all of my makeup so that I'd be ready if MJ or Betty whisked me away somewhere after school. I headed to my locker and smiled at MJ as she stood at her locker next to mine.

"Morning, MJ." I smiled at her.

"Hey, girl. You look nice, what's the occasion?" She asked. My eyes widened slightly, my heart dropping.

"You don't know what today is?" I gulped, double-checking before I let myself get upset over nothing.

"No? Is it a special day or something?" She questioned. I bit my lip and desperately tried to hold back tears. My best friend in the whole world had forgotten my birthday. My eighteen birthday as well. It was a big one, and MJ had absolutely no idea.

", it's not, I-I just felt like dressing up today." I lied.

"Oh, cool. Well, you look cute." She smiled.

"Yeah, thanks." I mumbled before walking away and heading into class. I kept my head down, not fancying letting my classmates see me cry as I walked in. I sat down and gulped harshly as I got my stuff out. I looked up timidly and looked around to make sure that no one was paying attention to me. What a fucking bad idea that was. I looked behind me, my eyes wavering as someone was staring at me. Peter fucking Parker. Brilliant. Peter and I hated each other, I wasn't exactly sure why, but we'd just never gotten along. Well, he'd never gotten along with me. I secretly had a major crush on the boy, one that it seemed easier to control by pretending that I hated him like he hated me. The way that he carried himself, the way that he was just nice to everyone made me very attracted to him. Even the way that he hated me just presented itself in ignoring me instead of being a dick or something like that. Not to mention the looks. Fuck, that boy was attractive. His hazel curls were always shaped perfectly, and when they were messy, he looked even better. His eyes were a gorgeous chocolate colour, and don't get me started on his body. Whenever he wore just a t-shirt, I'd secretly hope for him to cross his arms over his chest so that his biceps would flex, because he was in amazing shape and I loved it. But every single time that I saw him, I had to remind myself of the fact that I "hated" him. Which is what made it far from ideal: the fact that he was the sole person in my class who had noticed my upset. Perfect. He looked at me sadly, making me gulp and look down as I tried to ignore his gaze on me. A confrontation with him was the last thing that I needed today.

I sat against the locker in the empty hallway, tears still running down my cheeks as I stared at my hands. My sixth period class was meant to be with MJ and Betty, so considering that both had forgotten about my birthday, I had decided to skip class. I looked up as I heard someone jogging along the hallway, my eyes wavering as it was Peter. His eyebrows furrowed as he saw me, making me sigh as he looked down the deserted hallway before looking back at me.

"Um...hey, Y/ okay?" he asked slowly.

"Why do you care? You hate me, remember?" I scoffed. He sighed and clenched his jaw, his eyes wavering as he walked towards me.

"Us not being friends doesn't impede my ability to be a good listener. And you're clearly upset, so I want to know why." he shrugged as he sat down next to me on the floor. My eyebrows furrowed and I looked at him.

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