The honeymoon phase (Tom Holland)

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Requested by mrsholland199601: Tom and Y/N go to the Kruger National Park. They go on a plane ride, they see rare animals on the game drive and just have a nice time together.

Tom and I sat in the back of the car, his hand on my thigh as we got driven to our bungalow. Tom and I had been together for six months now, and for our anniversary, Tom had surprised me with a week away to the amazing Kruger National Park in South Africa. It was going to be a week of beautiful landscapes, stunning animals and just spending a lovely break together. Tom looked at me.

"You okay, darling?" He asked.

"Are you joking? I'm amazing. I just can't believe that we're actually here. I can't believe that you did this, especially for only our six-month anniversary. What are you going to pull out for our year anniversary?" I scoffed, making him laugh and gently squeeze my thigh.

"I'll have the engagement ring by then." He teased. I playfully rolled my eyes and lightly slapped his chest, making him smirk and bite his lip.

"In all seriousness, it's okay. I don't care if it's only our six-month anniversary, that's still amazing to me. If I could, I'd celebrate every second spent with you." He shook his head. I bit my lip at him.

"That's really sweet, Tommy. Really sweet." I nodded, tears pricking my eyes at how in love with this boy I was. He smiled and bit his lip as he leant in and gently kissed me. I returned the kiss, my lips smiling against his as I curled my hand around his neck to pull him closer.

"Mr Holland, we're here." The driver spoke, making us break the kiss.

"Thanks, mate." Tom chuckled as we looked out of the window. My eyes widened.

"Oh my god." I breathed, making Tom chuckle and kiss my head as we drove up the road and approached the absolutely gorgeous bungalow that we were staying in.

"This is going to be a good week." He nodded, making me return it and smile as I kissed him again.

"Tommy, I need to see!" I laughed as Tom gently walked me along with his hands over my eyes. As part of our trip, he had planned all of the activities for us to do as well, but he had been adamant that he wanted the first one to be a surprise.

"Sorry, love, but don't worry, I have you, I promise." He chuckled into my ear, his lips pressing to my cheek before he stopped me in my tracks.

"Okay," He moved his hands, allowing my eyes to open. They widened as I saw the small three-person plane in front of us.

"Oh my god, you didn't!" I squealed, making him laugh as I turned around and hugged him tightly.

"I know that you've always wanted to go on this type of plane ride, so I figured that it'd be a really cool first activity of the trip." He spoke into my hair.

"You really are the perfect boyfriend, aren't you, Tommy?" I chuckled as I pulled away but only enough to look at him as his hands stayed on my waist.

"Your words, sweetheart, not mine." he teased. I laughed and shook my head before turning and running towards the plane. I gave the pilot a smile of thanks as he extended his hand to me and helped me into the plane. I sat down, Tom climbing up and sitting behind me as we put the headsets on that we needed to communicate with each other.

"You ready, darling?" Tom spoke as his arms curled around my waist.

"Let's do this." I smiled. He returned it and kissed my cheek as the engine started, the propellers quickly spinning so fast that we couldn't see them move as the plane started to be driven forward. I cheered as the plane took off from the ground and we started to fly, making Tom laugh and shake his head at my reaction.

Tom Holland and Peter Parker one-shots 2.0Where stories live. Discover now