Coming home (Arvin Russell)

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Requested by Meg_Weasley24: Y/N and Arvin are in love, but Arvin has to leave. When he does, he leaves a note for her. He comes back years later and when he gets back, him and Y/N have a really emotional reunion and he asks her to marry him.

*Please note: Since this is a "Devil all the time" one-shot, it DOES have spoilers for that movie in it. So, if you HAVE NOT watched "Devil all the time" and don't want it being spoiled for you (tbh it might not make much sense anyway if you haven't seen it, so I suggest watching it anyway lol) please don't read this one-shot. I'll be back with more one-shots soon if you don't want it spoiled, or you can just watch the movie and then read this haha! Anyway, just thought that I'd warn you lovely people, enjoy :)*

I pulled up to Arvin's house and quickly stopped the car before clambering out. The sheriff, his sister and her boyfriend had all just been found, dead, suggesting that our small town had just been introduced to the start of a spree killer. And I was terrified.

"Arvin! Arvin!" I yelled as I rushed up to his porch.

"What's all of this yelling about?" his uncle scoffed as he wandered out of the house, making me gulp and stop in my tracks.

"S-sorry, Mr Russell, I'm just wondering if Arvin is here, is all." I shrugged.

"Did he not tell you? He up and left." he admitted. My eyes widened, tears pricking them as my heart dropped to my feet.

"He what?" I gulped as I desperately tried not to cry. After all, Arvin and I were in love, so there was no way that he'd just pack up and leave town without even telling me, let alone taking me with him.

"That's right. He rushed in, say, I think about an hour ago, mumbling something about how he had to get out of here. He told me to look after his grandma, quickly wrote you a note, and then was gone." he nodded. I looked back up at him.

"He left a note, you say?" I asked, my heart jumping slightly in the hope that it would provide me with the answers that I so desperately needed. Arvin's uncle nodded as his hand reached into his trouser pocket and out a folded up piece of paper. My eyes wavered, a tear leaving them as I took it from him.

"Thank you, Mr Russell. I'll see you around." I nodded as I headed back to my car.

Tears rolled down my face, my eyes glued to the piece of paper in my hands as I sat in front of the fireplace. I hadn't dared open the letter yet, because once I read the contents, Arvin was really gone. As far as I was aware, I was never going to see him again. But I also knew that I had to know why he left. I had to. I took a deep breath before opening the paper up, the letter revealing itself to me as I started to read:

To my love,

First of all, I'm sorry. I know that this will have come as a shock for you. Hell, it came as a shock for me too. But I had to leave. The truth is that the sheriff's sister and her man tried to kill me, and so I killed them first in self-defence. The sheriff himself then came after me, so I ended up with the blood of three on my hands. I'm praying that you believe me, and that your feelings for me aren't changed by this. I'm so sorry for leaving, but I'd be swinging from a noose if I didn't by now.

I want you to know that I love you. So much. You're the love of my life, all that I ever wanted was to grow old with you. I fear now that that may not be able to happen, and so I'm sorry for that. But always remember that I love you. Me leaving will not change that. It doesn't matter how many women I come across whilst I'm gone, you and you alone will forever have my heart.

I promise that I will be back for you. I'll die before I leave forever without returning for you. I ask of you that you wait, but I will understand if I come back to find you with another man's ring on your finger. Please, though, if you can, wait for me.

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