Sugar daddy *SMUT* (Tom Holland)

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Requested by overwrld: Can we have a sugar daddy one-shot?

Sunlight streamed through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the penthouse apartment, bathing the room in light as I started to come to. My eyes fluttered open, my lips parting in a yawn as my body slowly but surely woke up. I looked down and smiled to myself as I saw Tom's strong arm wrapped tightly around my waist, the feeling being accompanied by his muscular chest being pressed to my naked back. I smiled and bit my lip as I looked over my shoulder to see the man fast asleep, his hair messy and soft snores leaving his slightly parted lips. I loved waking up to this. I leant back and placed a kiss on his lips before sitting up, making sure to keep my naked body covered as I held the sheets against my chest. I squinted as I looked out of the window and reminisced about how I'd ended up here. Because, whilst on the surface of things, I was just a normal girl dating a slightly older guy, that wasn't entirely true. The truth was that Tom was my sugar daddy. I'd met him when he'd sent me a message over whatever social media platform it had been and had offered to pay all of my bills for me, in return for me accompanying him to some company dinner that he was attending. At first I thought that it was a scam, until I'd checked out his page. It was full of photos of him with celebrities, driving fucking expensive new cars, bathing in literal baths of money, and hanging out with absolutely stunning girls. He was rich, and he clearly liked to flaunt it. Me being the broke nineteen-year-old student that I was, I'd figured 'fuck it' and had messaged back, only to discover that he was completely legitimate, as was the offer of fifty-thousand pounds to spend the night with him. And so I had accepted his extremely generous offer. He was slightly older, given that I was now twenty-one and he was thirty-two, but that didn't bother me. After all, he was extremely fucking hot, and was rich, and in the time that I'd been his sugar baby, that relationship had actually blossomed into a fully standard one. Hence why it was a Wednesday morning, and I was sitting naked in his bed. I loved life.

"Darling, I don't pay you to get up before I can cuddle you." I looked over my shoulder and smirked at Tom as his eyes fluttered shut and his fingertips brushed the small of my back.

"You don't pay me at all anymore." I teased as I lay back down next to him, my hand landing on his abs as I used his outstretched arm as a pillow.

"I pay for literally everything that you own, that's the same thing." he scoffed.

"True." I sighed teasingly, making him smirk and leant down to kiss me. I returned it, my hand holding his oh-so-chiselled jawline as we kissed. He broke it and looked at me.

"What do you want to do today, love?" he mumbled, his eyes filled with love for me as he gently played with my hair.

"Go shopping. I need some new lingerie." I nodded. He raised his eyebrow at me.

"Do you now?" he smirked, making me return it and bite my lip.

"Okay. Well, you know my one condition is that I pick it out, but sure. We can get you some new clothes and dresses, and other stuff whilst we're out too." he shrugged.

"Thank you, Tommy." I giggled as I sat up and scooted to the edge of the bed to get up.

"You're lucky that I love you." he teased, making me wink at him as I stood up and started to get dressed.

Tom and I walked through town, our hands joined and fingers intertwined as we continued to shop.

"Right, we have new lingerie, new dresses, new shoes, a new skirt, a new car, is there anything else that you need, love?" Tom asked as he looked at me. I bit my lip and thought. I always took the piss when we went shopping, but both of us knew that Tom would say no if what I was asking for was too much. He'd never said no in the two years that we'd been doing this, though, so I guessed that he was fine with it.

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