Hidden feelings (Peter Parker)

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Requested by Homie_3: Y/N and Peter are dating, but she doesn't know that he's Spider-Man and he doesn't know how depressed she is. One night, she's crying on the roof of her apartment complex and Peter turns up as Spider-Man. She confesses how down she feels and he reveals himself to her.

*Please note: this one-shot contains themes of depression and suicide. I know that I usually add "be cautious when reading" to my trigger warnings but I'm not going to this time. If you think that this imagine will trigger you, please DO NOT read it. Obviously depression is a very serious mental illness and suicide is a very serious topic, so please do not read this if you think that it will trigger you. Also, I do not personally suffer from depression, and so I mean absolutely no disrespect or offence if I have misrepresented what it's like to have it. Finally, for any of my readers suffering with any kind of mental illness, please know that you're never alone. I myself struggle with mental health issues and there is always someone to talk to. Suicide or self-harm of any kind is NEVER the answer. If anyone gets triggered by this imagine, please feel free to message me for someone to talk to, I'm here for each and every one of you. If you choose not to read this, that's completely okay, I will be back soon with less serious one-shots. Thank you and look after yourselves xxx*

I stood at my open locker, my hand holding the metal door open as I just looked into the box. I bit my lip, tears pricking my eyes and my heart feeling numb in my chest as I just stood there.

"Hey, babe." I gulped and subtly wiped my eyes as I felt Peter's hands on my waist and felt his chin rest on my shoulder.

"Hey." I chuckled falsely as I closed my locker and turned to face him. His eyebrows furrowed at me.

"Have you been crying, angel? Are you okay?" He gulped. My eyes widened slightly, all of the heat in me rushing to my cheeks at the fact that he'd noticed.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Allergies." I lied with a shrug, making him nod and look at me sceptically. Peter and I had been dating for a year now, and it was amazing. My best friend and boyfriend was truly the love of my life, and he always made me feel loved and cherished. But there was a secret that I kept from him, that I'd never figured out how to tell him. And that was that I suffered from depression. I had been officially diagnosed two years ago, a year before I had been asked out by Peter. It was extremely hard at times, some days starting out so hard that I didn't even get out of bed. I had never told Peter on account of the fact that I knew he'd hold himself responsible for trying to make me happy all of the time, and then would beat himself up when inevitably, it didn't work. And so, I didn't tell him. But recently it was getting worse, my whole body being overtaken by pure numbness on a lot of days. And today was another one of those days.

"Are you sure, baby? You seem to have been upset a lot recently." he sighed, making me gulp harshly as he raised his hand and gently wiped away the tear that had fallen with his thumb. I couldn't let onto him how down and upset I was feeling, he didn't need that on his mind as well as school and the Stark Internship.

"Seriously, Pete, I'm fine. The pollen count is off of the charts today, that's all it is." I shook my head. God, I couldn't even convince myself, so I had no idea how I was managing to convince him. He sighed and looked at me sceptically, obviously still not fully believing me but nodding anyway as he curled his arm around my waist.

"Okay, angel. You ready to head back to mine for a movie?" he asked as he started to walk us towards the school doors.

"Yeah, let's go." I gave him a fake smile, making him return it with an unsure one as he kissed my head.

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