The contract *part 2* (Mob boss!AU, Tom Holland)

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I sat at the makeup table in my room, doing my makeup and deciding on what earrings to wear for tonight. Tom and I had been married for a month now, and it had been shit. He had kept unwaveringly to his promise that we'd never see each other, which surprised me given that I figured that he'd at least want to use the fact that we were married to have sex. But no. I guessed that his hand was good enough. And so I'd kept to my side of the house, and he'd kept to his. I had to admit that I was getting extremely lonely, though. Even sharing a house with an attractive man who I didn't particularly like was better than being alone. And so part of me hoped that tonight, after the Hollands' mob party that Tom and I had to attend, something might change. Though what that would be, I wasn't sure.

"Hey." I looked over my shoulder, my eyes widening slightly as Tom stood at the door with his hands in his trouser pockets.

"'re in my bit of the house." I gulped, my heart jumping slightly in hope.

"Yeah, sorry, I couldn't find the maid to come instead." he chuckled nervously. I shook my head and stood up.

"No, no, don't apologise, I don't mind." I admitted, making him nod and give me a small smile as I walked towards him.

"I just came to check that you're ready to go. The car's waiting outside." he nodded.

"Right, yeah. Let me just grab my bag." I mumbled, partly to myself as I rushed back to my table and grabbed my clutch.

"Y/N?" he spoke up, making me look at him with raised eyebrows. He coughed nervously and looked down before timidly glancing back up at me.

"You look gorgeous, love." he admitted quietly. My eyes wavered and butterflies exploded in my stomach at the compliment. I had only hoped for things to improve between Tom and I, but by the looks of it, he was actually making an effort to make this work.

"Thank you, Tommy. You don't look too bad yourself." I teased. He chuckled and nodded, making me bite my lip as he left the room. Maybe there was hope after all.

Tom's P.O.V

Tom stood in his bedroom, in front of his mirror as he did the buttons up on his shirt.

"Daphne?!" he called out for the maid. He looked to the door as he heard no response.

"Daphne!" he yelled again. He sighed and bit his lip. He was trying to summon her so that he could check if Y/N was ready for the night without invading her side of the house, as he was well aware that she needed her space. But part of him was debating whether or not to test that, as a way to start re-integrating each other into the other person's lives. After all, they'd been married for a month so far, and the loneliness was already killing Tom. He wanted to hug Y/N, he wanted to kiss her, he wanted to sleep in the same bed as her. He completely understood that Y/N didn't want that yet, but the only way to ease both of them into that was to start actually living together.

"Fuck it." he mumbled, finally deciding that he'd go and get Y/N himself as he opened his door. He headed along the corridor, his shoes clicking against the wooden floors as he reached the thick door that separated the sections of the house. He opened it and entered her side, his heart in his throat. He didn't know why he was so nervous, maybe because he was worried about offending Y/N if she viewed this as him trying to invade her personal space. He just hoped that she didn't see it like that. He reached the end of the corridor, a lump in his throat as he saw that her door was open. He looked in subtly and his eyes widened slightly. He breathed out, his heart jumping at how amazing Y/N looked. She was sitting at her makeup table doing her makeup for tonight, but she looked breathtaking. Through the mirror, Tom could see her purple lips and smokey eyes, paired with beautifully curled hair. He couldn't wait for her to stand up so that he could fully see the dress that she was wearing.

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