Long-distance (Tom Holland)

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Requested by Amholmgren: Y/N and Tom are in a long-distance relationship and Tom surprises Y/N by visiting her in person for the first time in months.

He leant in and kissed me, making me smile into it as I held his face. His hands gripped my waist, pulling me against him as he pushed me down onto the bed. We continued to make out, his hands pulling my skirt up to my thighs as we did.

"And...cut!" Immediately, Kai, my co-star climbed off of me, making me give him a small smile as I sat back up too.

"Alright, guys, brilliant take. Go take five, well done." The director nodded. We returned it as we stood up, both of us heading to our respective trailers. I puffed out as I headed into mine, ready to just call my boyfriend of three years, Tom Holland. Tom and I had met on the set of the 'Avengers: Endgame' movie and had hit it off immediately. Unfortunately, though, since we were both full-time actors, our relationship was very much long-distance. We saw each other in person when we could, which was usually once every few months, and we'd talk on the phone every day. It was hard, but we loved each other enough to make it work. I slumped down onto my bed before unlocking my phone and clicking on Face-Time with Tom. It rang for a few seconds before my boyfriend's smiling face appeared on my screen.

"Hey, darling." He chuckled.

"Hey, Tommy. God, it feels so good to hear your voice, I've had the longest day." I sighed, resting my head against the bed as I looked at the phone.

"Aw, how come?" He pouted.

"I had to do one of the kissing scenes with Kai. Just wish that it was you." I nodded.

"Aw, love, I know that you do. I wish that it was me too. But it will be soon enough, yeah?" He promised gently. I bit my lip, tears pricking my eyes as I looked at him.

"When will that be, Tommy?" I asked. He sighed and looked at me.

"I don't know, sweetheart. We get a break from 'Spider-Man' at the end of June, that'll be for two weeks." He spoke. I nodded and looked down as I desperately tried not to cry.

"So, still two months, then." I choked. He sighed and looked at me, his eyes also becoming glassy.

"I know, darling. You know that if I could fly out tomorrow to see you, I would do." he nodded. I returned it and bit my lip.

"I just miss you so much, Tommy. I miss you, I miss Tess, I miss your family, everything. I just want to be in your arms again." I mumbled. He sighed again, a tear also rolling down his face at my words.

"I know, sweetheart, and I want the exact same thing. But we can do this. We've done it before and we'll have to do it again. Don't give up on us now, yeah?" he encouraged.

"Don't worry, Tommy, I'll never give up on us." I reassured. He nodded and gave me a small smile.

"Good. That's what I like to hear, love. Look, I need to go, but we'll talk tomorrow, yeah? We'll do one of our Face-Times where we talk well into the night." he smiled, making me laugh and nod as tears continued to roll down my face.

"Sounds amazing, Tommy. I can't wait." I spoke softly.

"Neither can I. I love you so much, darling, and I'll see you soon." he promised.

"Love you too, Tommy. See you soon." I nodded before hanging up. I puffed out, my face wet with tears as I lay back on my bed. I looked up at the ceiling, my heart hurting. Tom and I had been long-distance for our entire relationship, but it never got even slightly easier to be away from him for months at a time. All I could hope for right now was that the next two months would fly by, and I'd soon enough be in the arms of the love of my life again.

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