Those three simple words (Tom Holland)

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Requested by addyyyson_lada: Tom and Y/N met on the set of "Spider-Man" and have dated for eight months. They haven't said "I love you" yet out of fear of the other person's reaction. They go to a premiere together and Tom lets it slip during an interview that he loves Y/N.

I sat on the floor in front of Tom's wall of mirrors in his bedroom, my brushes applying my makeup to my face as I got ready for the night.

"How are you getting on, love-wow." I flicked my eyes up to look at Tom in the mirror as he stood at the doorway to his bedroom.

"What?" I chuckled as he walked into the room.

"Nothing, darling, you just look stunning." he shrugged, making my smile widen as he sat down behind me and curled his arms around my waist from behind. Tom and I had met on the set of "Spider-Man: Far From Home" ten months ago, when I had been hired as his makeup artist for the movie. My job meant that we had spent many hours in each other's company, talking, laughing and just getting to know each other. Soon enough, we had become good friends, but I had fallen more deeply than just friendship with the boy. Everything about him was simply perfect. Needless to say that he was incredibly attractive, and his face was a dream to work on, but just him as a person was flawless. I had worked on some pretty awful people over the years, and so to work on Tom and have him always talk to me and make me feel like he genuinely liked me was a nice change. Everything had escalated between us when one day, I had been given the job of doing a particularly nasty cut on his jaw for a scene. I had been majorly struggling to get the right angles to make it look realistic. Until Tom had suggested that I sit on his lap to get the right angle. With his permission, I had ended up straddling his legs in order to get the right angle, however I soon discovered the boy's real motive when I had pulled away to look at my work and he had leant in to kiss me. Ever since that moment, eight months ago now, we'd been happily dating. From that moment, my boyfriend had been a smooth fucker, and yet there was one thing that was causing the tiny bit of non-sexual tension between us. And that was the fact that neither of us had said 'I love you' yet. I wasn't sure how to feel about that fact considering that I'd had ex-partners tell me after a few months that they loved me, and so I wasn't sure if Tom just wanted to be a little slower, or if he didn't love me at all. Of course I hoped that it was the former, but the fact that he hadn't said it yet made me absolutely terrified to say it first. After all, I didn't want to fuck up our otherwise perfect relationship by accidentally making him feel pressured to tell me that he loved me too soon. But tonight, I was going to try and push that to the back of my mind. Tonight, Tom was attending the premiere of his new movie, 'Cherry', and I was going as his date. I couldn't wait.

"Thank you, Tommy. Wait until you see the dress that I bought for tonight." I chuckled.

"You mean the one that you bought with my money." he teased as he leant down and gently kissed my neck from behind.

"If you didn't want to buy it, you shouldn't have offered." I retorted, making him laugh and nod.

"I'm joking, sweetheart, I'd buy you the world if I could." he admitted as he stood back up. I smiled and bit my lip as I looked over my shoulder at him.

"I know that you would." I nodded. He returned my smile and leant down to kiss my head before straightening back up again.

"Car is coming in an hour to pick us up. You'll be ready by then, yeah?" he checked.

"I'm sure." I nodded. He returned it and gave my head one last kiss before leaving the room.

The limo pulled up to the red carpet, the yells of the paparazzi already being heard and the flashes of their cameras being seen through the blacked-out windows as the car stopped. Tom looked at me.

Tom Holland and Peter Parker one-shots 2.0Where stories live. Discover now