Edging and teasing *SMUT* (Tom Holland)

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Requested by WeStanTomAndZendaya: Tom comes home from America with edging and teasing. The next morning, he's shocked at how bruised and sore Y/N is from the events of the previous night and feels really bad, so she has to reassure him that it was okay and that she loved it.

I stood in the airport, my foot nervously tapping against the floor as I waited for Tom's plane to get in. My fiance of a year had been in Atlanta for the last two years filming his most recent 'Spider-Man' movie and to say that it had been a long journey was an understatement. I always had to stay behind because of my own career and the fact that Tessa and our apartment needed looking after, and so week-long visits to each other could never rival him finally coming home for the last time. Him also coming home finally meant that we'd at last be able to make a good start on wedding planning, something that I'd been waiting for since he'd proposed last year, on our three-year anniversary. I was very excited. I looked up as I heard the fans that were also waiting to see Tom start to mumble and chat. That was always my hint, the fan-girls getting louder always implying that he was finally here. Sure enough, he walked through the gate, a smile curling onto his lips as he saw everyone.

"Hey, guys, thanks so much for coming out." He chuckled as he started to take the photos and bits of paper from them to sign. He looked up, his eyes flicking around the waiting section presumably in search of me. His gaze found me, the smile that I had missed so much curling onto his lips as he spotted me.

"Two seconds." he mouthed. I waved him off and nodded, reassuring him that I was okay to wait as he continued to sign things for the fans. He smiled as they raised their phones and took selfies with him before looking at them.

"Lovely to meet you guys, see you later." he dismissed himself from them before heading towards me. I smiled and bit my lip, a squeal leaving my mouth as he rushed towards me. As soon as he was close enough, his arms flew around my waist, making me laugh into his ear as he picked me up and spun me around in his arms.

"Oh my god, I missed you so much, darling." he sighed into my hair as he put me down.

"I missed you too, Tommy. I know that we say this every time and never actually do it, but I'm definitely coming with you next time." I scoffed.

"Without a doubt." he smirked, making me giggle as he leant down and smashed our lips together. I returned it, my hands holding his face as his hands tightly gripped my waist. I couldn't help but smirk as Tom deepened the kiss, his tongue slipping into my mouth as he pulled me even closer.

"Tommy, we're in public, people could be taking photos." I chuckled quietly as I broke the kiss and placed my hands on his chest.

"We need to get home then, sweetheart. I need you. Now." he demanded in a low voice. I nodded and bit my lip, making him wink at me as he took my hand and rushed us out of the airport.

Tom and I stumbled into our apartment, our lips joined and our hands desperately tugging at each other's clothes as he shut the door with his foot. We made out hungrily, our tongues and teeth clashing as we kicked our shoes off and he quickly pulled his jacket off.

"God, I've missed you too fucking much, love." he mumbled against my lips.

"Really? I couldn't guess." I replied, making him smirk and shake his head as he broke the kiss.

"If you want to be fucked hard tonight, you won't sass me, darling." he warned as his hands pulled my t-shirt over my head before pulling his own shirt off.

"I guess that you'll just have to punish me, then." I nodded, only making his smirk widen as I wandered backwards into the bedroom so that I could maintain eye contact with him.

Tom Holland and Peter Parker one-shots 2.0Where stories live. Discover now