Criminal minds (Criminal minds!AU, Peter Parker)

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Requested by user35309251: Could you do an imagine of Peter and Y/N in a criminal minds AU?

*Please note: For those of you who don't know, "Criminal minds" is basically a show about a team who solves murders (very sorry if I offend any fans by explaining it so basically, I haven't seen it in a long time lmao). With that being said, this one-shot contains themes of murder and dead bodies, and so whilst it is NOT graphic, please be mindful of that before you read if you feel that those themes will trigger you. Thank you and enjoy :)*

I got out of the car, my gaze looking up at the massive building as I shut the car door. I walked up the steps to the Manor House and showed the police officer at the door my badge and ID. He gave me a nod before lifting the police tape and allowing me in. I immediately grimaced as I walked in, blood splatter up all of the walls as I walked in. Investigators buzzed around the scene, the forensics working on getting photos and collecting any possible evidence from the murder that had taken place. I walked in, my face scrunching up further as the woman lay dead on the floor, several wounds littering her body as her eyes remained open. I sighed and shook my head. I'd been doing this job for five years now, and I still grimaced at the gruesome ways that people died. I looked up and gave MJ a small smile as she walked towards me.

"You okay, MJ?" I asked as we hugged.

"Better than this woman. Son found her dead at seven this morning, but didn't call it in until half seven." She nodded. I narrowed my eyes and looked at her.

"Why the delay? If I found my mom's clearly murdered dead body, I'd be ringing the police immediately." I stated.

"Exactly. Some of my guys are interviewing him now as to why he waited, but he doesn't seem to have a good reason. Needless to say that he's currently our main suspect." She replied.

"Cause of death?" I asked.

"That's Peter's area, not mine." She teased, making me playfully roll my eyes at her.

"Apparent cause of death?" I retorted.

"Gunshot to the head. Though, there was clearly a struggle. She's got knife wounds all over her body, as well as whatever Pete will uncover at the autopsy. We don't have a motive yet." She sighed. I returned it and bit my lip as I looked around the scene.

"Well, keep working. I'll see what Peter has to say once he's looked over the body. Keep me in the loop." I nodded.

"Same goes for you." She responded. I gave her another small smile and bumped her fist with mine before leaving the scene.

I walked into Peter's lab, my heels clicking against the floor as I walked in.

"Hey, Pete-." I was stopped in my tracks and was forced to come to a stop as suddenly a web pinned my wrist to the door. I rolled my eyes and looked ahead at Peter, who was standing there with his wrist extended and his finger on the trigger of his web shooter.

"How many fucking times, Pete?" I scoffed and shook my head.

"It's because you don't knock, you could be anyone for all I know." He chuckled as he tossed me a vial of the dissolve fluid.

"We're best friends and work colleagues, I don't have to knock." I teased back, making Peter playfully roll his eyes as I poured the fluid into the web, dissolving it instantly and freeing myself.

"Anyway, I've done the autopsy on your murder victim. And let's just say that I found some interesting stuff." He stated as we headed to stand around the table that the body was laid out on. My eyebrows furrowed at him.

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