The silent treatment (Tom Holland)

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Requested by AllisonWinterNight: Y/N and Tom are starting to drift apart since he's always busy either filming or hanging out with friends, and then he calls her clingy and annoying when she tries to draw his attention back to her. It starts to upset her, so she gives him the silent treatment.

My eyes fluttered open as I felt Tom get up next to me. My eyebrows furrowed, my eyes opening fully as I started to watch him get dressed. I looked at the time and sighed as the numbers five-forty-five blinked back at me.

"Tommy, what are you doing up so early?" I mumbled, making my boyfriend of five years look at me for the first time since he's gotten up as he pulled his jeans on.

"I need to be on set for six." He nodded. I gulped, my eyes wavering as the feeling of dread settled in my stomach again.

"Okay, well, were you at least going to say goodbye to me?" I scoffed.

"No, love, I wasn't. It's not even six o'clock in the morning yet, I figured that you'd want to sleep." he returned the scoff.

"You know that I always want you to wake me up to say goodbye, no matter what time it is." I retorted.

"But then I do that, and you get mad at me." he nodded. I gulped again, my eyes wavering as a tear left my eye. Tom and I had been together for five years now, and everything had been amazing. Up until about four months ago. I didn't know what had prompted the change since we'd been living together for two years now, I wasn't pregnant, and he hadn't proposed, so no new change had prompted what had happened. But for some reason, he was starting to drift away from me. In recent months, Tom had started to be on set a lot more than was usual, was with friends a lot more, and was with me a lot less. I didn't want to sound like the girlfriend who didn't let her boyfriend do his work and hang out with his friends, but that wasn't what was happening here. It felt like overnight Tom went from dedicating equal time to work, friends and me, to splitting his time between work and friends, and leaving me out of it. The worst thing was that when I either mentioned it to him or tried to make plans for us, he'd throw it back in my face by accusing me of being clingy. It felt like the end was approaching us, and I didn't like it, but Tom would also have to pull a miracle now to fix things between us.

"That's not true, and you know it, Tom. I always want you to wake me up and say goodbye." I spoke as I desperately tried not to cry. He sighed and looked down.

"Yeah, whatever, love. I'll see you later." he mumbled, not even bothering to give my head a kiss as he left the room. I choked and looked down, the tears now freely flowing as I lay back in the bed. It broke my heart that Tom was getting more distant by the day, and I wasn't sure how much more of this I could take.

I sat on the sofa, reading a book and drinking a glass of wine as I waited for Tom to get home. It was now nine-fifteen p.m and he hadn't been home all day. He hadn't even come home for lunch like I knew that he was allowed to do. And so I was just sitting here, waiting for my asshole of a boyfriend so that we could finally spend time together. As if on cue, I heard the front door open and then shut, making Tessa shoot up and run into the hallway.

"Hey, beautiful." I heard Tom chuckle, making me sigh as I stood up and also headed out to greet him.

"Hey." I spoke. He looked up at me from crouching down to stroke Tessa.

"Hi, darling. You okay?" he asked as he stood up and headed towards me.

"Apart from the fact that I've been waiting for you to get home all day so that we can spend some time together." I nodded matter-of-factly. He rolled his eyes slightly, making me scoff as he gave the side of my head a quick peck on his way into the kitchen.

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