What he sees when he sees me (Peter Parker)

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Requested by simpforsoup: Peter really wants to ask Y/N out to their upcoming prom, but Y/N is incredibly insecure and feels like she isn't pretty enough to go. Peter hates that Y/N puts herself down over every other girl and he hates that she doesn't see what he sees. One day, Y/N has had a particularly bad day, so Peter plans a surprise for her.

*Please note: as the request suggests, this one-shot contains themes of self-esteem issues. I know that this is fine for most people but it is still a trigger for some, so please don't read if you think that you'll be triggered, I'll be back soon with safe and trigger-free imagines :) Thank you and enjoy :)*

Peter's P.O.V

Peter rushed through the school corridor, his heart thumping as he ran through the crowds of other students.

"Sorry-my bad-excuse me-watch out!" he exclaimed as he ran to class. The high school prom had just been announced, an event that Peter had been waiting months for. He knew that it wasn't considered normal for a boy to be excited for the prom, but he had a plan. He had been waiting patiently for the announcement so that he could use it to ask his best friend and crush, Y/N out, and use it as their first date. He'd had the entire night planned for months, and he was on cloud nine at the thought of it finally happening. But first, he had to ask Y/N. He rushed into class, a smile immediately curling onto his lips as he saw Y/N at their usual table. He walked towards her, making the beautiful girl look up at him.

"Hey, Pete." she chuckled as he sat down next to her.

"Hey, um, you've seen the posters for prom, right?" he asked. Her smile dipped and she looked down again.

"Oh, yeah. That." she mumbled. Peter's smile also dipped, his eyebrows furrowing at her response.

"What, you're not excited to go?" he chuckled nervously.

"I'm not going full-stop, Peter." she sighed as she looked back up at him. His eyes widened, his heart plummeting to his feet. No. His plan couldn't have failed before he'd even asked her.

"What? Why not? I thought that it was every girl's dream to go to their high school prom." he scoffed. He had to convince her to go, if he couldn't, his plan was fucked.

"Look, Peter, I'm not pretty like other girls. I'm not conventionally attractive, I'm not a size zero, I'm always going to be the last one picked if I stand in a line with the other girls in our classes. If I go to prom alongside all of these beautiful girls, I'm going to look fat, I'm going to look lumpy, I'm going to look ugly. I'm definitely not about to put myself through all of that for the supposed "best night of my life" when I'm well aware that it won't be the best night of my life." she choked and shook her head as a tear rolled down her face. Peter's face softened and he looked at her as his heart shattered. Peter had known Y/N for five years now, and never had he not known her to come with some serious self-esteem issues. She had always seen herself as too fat, too ugly, too small, too lumpy, when in reality she was nothing other than absolutely beautiful. It angered Peter to know that she thought this way about herself, but not at her, at the society that made her feel this way just because she didn't look like a social media model. Peter always tried to talk her out of these mindsets and convince her that she was beautiful without accidentally revealing his true feelings for her, but that was getting harder to pull off the older that they got. And now, it felt impossible.

"Hey, no, I'm not going to sit here and listen to you say this stuff about yourself, Y/N." he shook his head as he gently took the girl's small hand into his.

"Why not? It's true, Peter. I'm not pretty enough to go, and so I won't go." she shook her head.

"Y/N, listen to me-."

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