Into the Spider-Verse (Peter Parker)

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Requested by rosiez18: Y/N is a spider-person and wakes up in Peter's universe. She's confused as to where she is until she sees Spider-Man swinging in the sky. She ends up at the same school as him and they become friends who eventually fall in love.

I gasped loudly, my eyes shooting open as I jolted into a sitting position. I panted heavily, my heart racing in my chest as my mind warped back to normal. I gulped and looked up, my eyebrows furrowing as I looked around me.

"What the fuck?" I whispered as I was on the ground of an alleyway. But that's not where I'd been before I'd woken up. My eyes widened further as I started to remember what had happened.

"PETER! NO!" I screamed, my wrist outstretched and my web desperately chasing him as my best friend's body hurtled towards the ground. I choked, a tear leaving my eye as I could see his eyes. He gulped, a tear also rolling down his face as he gave me a small smile. One that told me that it was okay. We both knew that he was about to die. His body collided with the ground, making my eyes widen.

"NO!" I cried out, tears starting to rapidly leave my eyes as I landed a few metres away from my best friend's now dead body.

"Peter, please, come on, wake up, come on." I choked as I collapsed on my knees next to him and pulled his head onto my lap. His eyes remained closed, no breath leaving his lips as he just lay there.

"I'm so sorry, Pete. I couldn't save you, I'm sorry." I cried and shook my head, my eyes squeezing shut as more tears left them. Suddenly, a faint whistling sound appeared next to me, making me open my eyes slowly again. I looked up and my eyes widened at what I saw. Only metres away from where I was cradling Peter's body, what looked to be a whirl of light was swishing away, the circle getting bigger as it expanded. I gulped, my heart starting to thump more harshly as I stared at it.

"What the fuck?" I whispered to myself as I gently stood up. I softly placed Peter's head back onto the ground before starting to wander towards the circle of light. I slowly raised my hand to reach out to it, my eyes squinting at how bright it was. As I got closer to it, I started to feel pulled in, almost as if someone on the other side was trying to pull me through. I couldn't put my finger on what it was, but something was drawing me to whatever was on the other side. I gulped and looked back at Peter, my eyes wavering as they landed on my best friend's dead body. I choked and bit my lip. Peter was the last person that I had here, and he was now gone too, meaning that whatever was on the other side of this...thing...had to be better than the life that I would live all alone.

"I'm sorry, Pete." I whispered before turning back to the energy. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before letting myself get sucked into it.

I choked, a tear leaving my eye as I remembered. Peter was dead. My best friend, the only person that I had left, the love of my life...was dead. Hence why I had decided to try my luck in whatever world the portal had brought me to. I looked down and sighed in relief as my body was still clad in my pink and black spider-suit, and my web shooters appeared to still be intact. I looked up and around, sighing as I seemed to be in a narrow alleyway. Suddenly, I saw something flying up ahead. My eyes widened, my breath hitching in my throat as what appeared to be another spider-person was webbing themselves towards one of the buildings that I was in between. I watched them with wide eyes, my heart pounding as I watched the red-and-blue person web themselves to the roof. The issue was that, in my world at least, I was the only spider-person. I had to know who they were. I scrambled to my feet and looked up at the building that the spider-person had just disappeared on top of before raising my arm. I fired my web at the wall, the sticky substance attaching itself to half way up the wall before pulling me up. I shot up the wall and went past it, my knees rising slightly as I launched into the air. I landed on the roof, my hand in between my feet as I looked around. I stood up slowly and gulped as the other spider-person sat with their legs dangling over the roof. They pulled the mask off of their head, making my eyes widen.

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