Actually me (Tom Holland)

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Requested by marvelbitch11: Y/N and Tom are dating, but the public doesn't know about their relationship. Y/N does the "actually me" interview and sees that someone has commented on a YouTube video of them on a press tour, then avoids the question that follows the comment. Because of this, they then have to go onto an interview show to reveal that they're together.

"Tommy, where are my shoes?!" I yelled as I rushed through the apartment that I shared with my boyfriend of a year, Tom.

"Bedroom?" He called back from the living room. I rushed back into the bedroom, a smile curling onto my lips as sure enough, I saw my shoes on the floor. I grabbed them and headed through to the living room. I held them up as Tom looked over the sofa at me, making him smirk.

"How do you always just know where everything is?" I chuckled, making his hand land on my waist as I sat down next to him and started to put the shoes on.

"Maybe because I'm a genius." He shrugged. I scoffed and looked at him.

"Think again." I teased, making him smirk and lean in to peck my lips.

"Remember not to give us away, yeah?" He chuckled. I sighed and broke the kiss to look at him.

"I know, Tommy. Not telling anyone until we're both ready." I nodded. He returned it and bit his lip, his stunning chocolate gaze flicking between my eyes and my lips as he gently stroked my cheek. Tom and I had met on the set of 'Cherry', when I had been cast to play his wife. That had been two years ago, the amazing boy that was the love of my life having asked me out to the premiere a year after we'd first met. We'd been together ever since. It was going amazingly, both of us were falling more deeply in love with each other with every passing day. There was only one problem. For the sake of our private lives being kept as private as they could be, we hadn't announced to the public yet that we were together. It was getting harder and harder, especially in interviews when we would get asked what our relationship status was. And so I was very nervous for today, when I'd be doing the "actually me" interview. There would undoubtedly be rumours and theories on Reddit about our relationship to each other, and so I was nervous about the possibility of accidentally exposing our relationship through a missed question or prolonged silence.

"Sweetheart." I snapped back, my gaze flicking back to Tom as he spoke.

"You okay, love?" He chuckled. I bit my lip.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I need to get going for this interview, though. I'll see you later, I love you." I nodded as I leant forward and pecked his lips before standing up.

"Alright, darling, good luck. I love you too." He called after me. I smiled and blew him an air kiss as I opened the door, making him raise his hand and pretend to catch it as I left the apartment.

I sat at the desk, the cameras pointing at me and the laptop open in front of me as I got ready to do the interview.

"Okay, Y/N, ready whenever you are." The director nodded.

"I'm all set." I smiled.

"Alright, then. Cameras rolling in three, two, one." He pointed at me, hinting for me to start.

"Hey there, I'm Y/N Y/L/N, and I'm here today to go undercover on Reddit, to see what you guys say about me and my roles. This will be interesting." I chuckled and shook my head as I got Reddit up on the laptop.

"Just out of curiosity, have you ever looked at sites like Reddit to see what people say about you?" The producer asked.

"I know that there's fanfiction, fan pages, stuff like that about me, so I'm curious to see what's on Reddit." I nodded before starting to scroll through. Unsurprisingly, I started to see edits of Tom and I together, as well as edits of just me.

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