Viagra *SMUT* (Peter Parker)

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Requested by Monika2934: Y/N plays a prank on Peter in which she gives him Viagra without him realising. The fact that he's hard makes him very horny and so Y/N helps him out.

*Please note: as the request suggests, this one-shot contains Y/N giving Peter a drug without his consent. I want to emphasis that me writing this is NOT me condoning it, of course you should NEVER give anyone any type of drug unless they have fully consented to having it. However, also do please remember that this is just an imagine, it's not real and so please don't take it too seriously and comment things like "this is really fucked up" or anything. I know that some people do not agree with some of the topics that I write about, that is absolutely fine, but I'd rather people just not read those chapters than comment about how wrong the subject matter is. That being said, feel free not to read it, and if you are going to read it, enjoy. Thank you :)*

I crept along the hallway, the pill bottle in my hand as I headed into mine and Peter's shared room in the Avengers' Tower. I opened the door and looked around cautiously to make sure that it was empty before creeping in and shutting the door. Peter and I had met a year ago, when I had joined the team aged twenty. We had hit it off immediately, and he had asked me out within a month. Since then, we'd not only been happy in a relationship...but had been regularly pranking each other too. It had started with the basics of him putting my hand in warm water whilst I slept, and me loosening the screws in his chair so that it would break when he sat down on it, and was currently ended with him dunking a bucket of ice cold water onto my head. Meaning that it was my turn to retaliate, and I knew exactly what to do. I smirked and bit my lip as I went to grab his glass of water from the bedside table. Peter had hurt his knee on our last mission and so was on painkillers, meaning that I knew for a fact that he'd drink the glass of water in order to down his pills. Which is why this was so perfect. I opened the pill bottle in my hand and tipped out one of the pills of Viagra that I'd been given by a friend for this exact purpose, the pill landing on the palm of my hand. I put it on the table and started to hammer the bottle against it, crushing the pill into dust so that my plan would work. I brushed it into the glass of water, the powder disappearing into the liquid as it dissolved.

"Your move, Parker." I chuckled to myself, knowing that all I had to do now was wait as I crept out of our bedroom again.

I sat in the living room with Nat, Tony and Steve, all of us watching TV as we relaxed on one of our rare days off. I looked up and tried not to smirk as Peter walked into the room, my boyfriend's body clad in a tank top and sweatpants as he walked in. I was very much looking forward to the Viagra kicking in, especially as I had no doubt that he'd want me to help him with his impending problem.

"Hey, guys." Peter smiled as he slumped down onto the sofa next to me and curled his arm around my waist.

"How's your knee doing, kid?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, it's okay. Just took my meds again, so the pain isn't too bad right now." He nodded. I smirked and looked down, making Peter look at me.

"You okay there, babe?" He chuckled.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just glad that you're not in pain anymore." I lied with a shrug. He narrowed his eyes at me, his brain clearly somewhat sceptical of me.

"Mhm. I'm definitely not suspicious of you right now." He scoffed and shook his head. I smiled and leant up to peck his lips, him only just returning the kiss as I rested my head against his chest. He sighed and chuckled as we both turned back to the TV, a smile on my lips as I rested my head and hand on his chest. This was going to be good.

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