Date gone wrong (Peter Parker)

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Requested by mrsholland199601: Peter takes Y/N on a picnic date but then something bad happens and he has to save her

Peter and I wandered through the quiet field, our hands joined and our fingers intertwined as we looked for the perfect spot to have our picnic on.

"Ooh, babe, how about over there? Near that tree." Peter nodded as he pointed to a tree.

"It's a beautiful day, Pete, we don't want to be in the shade." I chuckled.

"I said near, not under." he teased. I rolled my eyes playfully, making him smirk and bite his lip as I pulled him to the tree. He put the basket down as I spread the red and white checkered blanket out against the grass. I bit my lip, my heart swelling in excitement and my stomach starting to rumble as I looked at the assortment of food that Peter was digging out, everything from a cheese and cold meats platter to chocolate-covered strawberries. My eyes widened as he pulled out a bottle of champagne.

"Peter, what the fuck?!" I exclaimed as I took it from him and read the label.

"What?" he chuckled. I looked at him as he leant his body back and rested on his hand.

"Why did you bring champagne to our picnic? I mean, I love it and it's amazing, but it's not a special occasion and this looks expensive." I gulped.

"Every occasion is special with you, babe." he shrugged. I sighed and bit my lip at him.

"Look, I figured that I'd treat you, angel. Things between us have been so good recently and I can only see them getting better, not to mention that I'm in a good place financially right now because of being an Avenger. Don't worry about it, sweetheart. It was a treat, I want you to view it as such." he nodded. I smiled and bit my lip, making him return it as I cupped his cheek and leant in to press our lips together. He returned the kiss and smiled into it, making me smirk as he deepened the kiss. I squealed against his lips as he turned us over and pushed me down so that I was lying on the blanket and he was on top of me.

"Slow down, Spidey-boy, I at least need some food in me before I have you in me." I teased.

"What a lovely way to put it." he returned, making me laugh and shake my head as he climbed off of me and we sat back up.

Peter and I lay on the blanket, my head rested against his extended right arm as we just looked up at the beautiful blue sky.

"This is perfect, babe. I can't think of any other way that I'd want to spend my time." he admitted quietly. I smiled and bit my lip as I looked at him.

"You're right, it is perfect. And that's because it's with you." I returned.

"You're so soppy." he teased, making me gasp jokingly as I held my hand to my chest in fake offence. He smirked and shook his head before leaning down and kissing me. I returned it, smiling into it as I held his face. Suddenly, Peter gasped and pulled away from the kiss, making me look at him.

"What, Pete, what's going on?" I gulped.

"My Spidey senses are going crazy, something's wrong." he responded as I sat up so that he could also get up.

"Can you tell what?" I asked as he stood up and grabbed his suit from his backpack.

"No, I'm going to need Karen to tell me." he nodded hurriedly as he quickly got undressed to get his suit on. If this hadn't been such a tense situation, I'd allow myself to check out my stunning boyfriend as he got dressed. But now was hardly the time. Peter pressed the logo on his chest, his suit quickly tightening around him as he put his small earphone into his ear.

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