"All it took was a snap of his fingers" (Peter Parker)

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Requested by americanarse: When taking down Thanos, Peter's the one who snaps his fingers, not Tony

My eyes fluttered open, coughs leaving my lips as my lungs breathed in the dust. I coughed harshly, my eyes squeezing shut. They opened again before widening.

"Fuck." I choked as I looked around to see that I was lying in the rubble of the now destroyed Avengers' Compound. You know, the one that Thanos had just blown up to steal the infinity stones from us. Again. I looked down and choked as my leg was stuck under a massive bit of concrete and water poured in all around me. I pointed my hands at my leg, my red energy igniting in my palms. It spread slowly to the rock, making me grit my teeth and grunt quietly at the power that I was using as I tried to lift the rubble and therefore free myself. I cried out, my magic failing to lift the rubble. I was too weak.

"Help." I croaked into my comms. But all I could hear was static.

"Help! Anyone, please! I'm trapped! I can't get out, help!" I screamed.

"We read you, Y/N! Someone's coming for you, hang tight!" Tony replied. I gulped and looked at the steady waterfall that was next to me, the flowing water rising around me.

"I can't hold on. There's water everywhere and it's rising. I've got five minutes, if that, before I'm underwater." I choked and shook my head.

"We'll get to you, it's okay!" Natasha responded. I bit my lip, tears starting to leave my eyes as I watched the water rising around me. This couldn't be how I died, especially not before I found out if the plan had worked and if Peter was back. Though in the current state of things, it looked like I'd never know.

"Guys, the water is rising, and I understand if none of you can get to me. But just tell Peter that I love him. Because he'll be back. I know that he'll be back." I choked as tears started to freely leave my eyes.

"Y/N, hold on, we'll make it to you, just hold on. We can't lose you too, kid." Tony replied, making me close my eyes and bite my lip as I heard a slight choke in his voice.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I choked as the water started to lap around my body.

"Y/N, hold on, for the love of god, please!" I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before the water rose over my face.

Peter's P.O.V

Peter's eyes shot open, a gasp leaving his lips as he shot up into a sitting position.

"Hey, you're okay, kid." Peter looked up at Doctor Strange as the man crouched beside him and placed his hand on the boy's shoulder. Peter gulped and choked, his eyes moving down as he felt his chest with his hands.

"What's the last thing that you remember?" Doctor Strange asked.

"I-I remember...my body felt weird, it was tingling, but not, like, my Spidey senses...and then, fuck, I must have passed out." he gulped. Doctor Strange sighed and looked at him.

"You didn't pass out, Peter. Thanos succeeded, he snapped half of us out of all existence. It's been five years." he admitted. Peter's eyes widened.

"Y/N. I left her for five years. Is she alive?" Peter choked.

"We're about to find out. Because we're joining the fight." Doctor Strange nodded as he raised his hands and started to create what looked like a golden circle.

"Woah." Peter mumbled as he stood up. He went to the circle, his eyes widening as he saw thousands of Wankandan soldiers coming out of other portals.

Tom Holland and Peter Parker one-shots 2.0Where stories live. Discover now