Proposals (Peter Parker)

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Requested by Meg_Weasley24: Peter wants to propose to Y/N, but he doesn't know what her taste in jewellery is or what her ring size is, so he makes a plan with MJ to go ring shopping. He then asks Tony Stark, Y/N's dad, for permission to marry Y/N. He then takes her to a romantic restaurant and proposes with a beautiful speech.

"Babe, where are my shoes?!" Peter yelled from upstairs, making me chuckle and look over the edge of the sofa.

"I don't know! Have you looked under the bed?!" I shouted back.

"...Found them!" I smiled and shook my head as I watched him head down the stairs.

"Tell me where you're going again?" I asked sceptically as I stood up and walked to him.

"Just for coffee with your dad." he shrugged, his hands finding my waist as I hooked my arms over his shoulders. I narrowed my eyes at him, making him chuckle. Peter and I had met ten years ago when my dad, Tony Stark, had recruited him to be on the Avengers Team. At first, Peter had just been an awkward bumbling mess of a nerd, albeit a very attractive one, but his lack of confidence meant that it took us a couple of months to become even just friends. But everything had happened quickly after that. We'd drunkenly hooked up a few months into the friendship, and had been together ever since. To say that I was happy was an understatement. But lately, he'd been acting a bit suspicious, including meeting up with our best friend MJ more regularly than normal. I didn't think that he was cheating or anything, but it was weird. And then he had admitted that he was going for coffee, alone, with my dad. I knew that something was going on, I just couldn't figure out what it was.

"Babe, why do you always look so suspicious when I tell you that I'm meeting up with your dad?" he chuckled.

"Because we've been dating for almost a decade, you've known my dad for all of that time, and never once before this week have you met up with him alone for coffee." I scoffed and shook my head.

"Will you just trust me?" he whined.

"I do trust you, Pete. Doesn't mean that I can't think that it's weird." I shrugged.

"Alright, true. Look, I need to go, I'm going to be late. I love you." he nodded before leaning down and pressing our lips together. I returned it, my eyes fluttering shut as my hands moved to hold his face. He broke the kiss and touched our foreheads as my eyes opened to look at him.

"I love you too, Pete." I mumbled. He gave me a goofy smile and pecked my lips again before letting me go, making me chuckle and playfully roll my eyes at him as he grabbed his jacket.

"Later, babe!" he called as he opened the door.

"See you later." I chuckled as he left the house. I did wonder what that boy was up to.

Peter's P.O.V

Peter walked along the street, his hands in his jacket pockets as he walked. He approached Delmar's and gave MJ a small smile as he walked towards her.

"Hey, MJ." he chuckled as they hugged.

"What's up?" she asked as they started to walk.

"Not much. Just ready to find the perfect engagement ring for Y/N." he nodded, his heart pounding more harshly just at the thought. Peter had decided to propose to Y/N six months ago, considering that that was around the time that he'd fully started to picture his future with her in it. He'd been on a mission in which he'd nearly been killed, and all he had thought of in what he thought were his final moments was her. The way that he'd not asked her to marry him, the way that they'd not had a baby together, the way that they'd not grown old together. All of it. After all, they were now well into their twenties, and were starting to think about the future, so Peter figured that now was the right time to pop the big question. The first problem, though, was that he had no idea what size ring his girlfriend wore, and he had no idea what tastes she had when it came to jewellery. That's where MJ came in. Considering that her and Y/N had pretty much the same size fingers and MJ knew Y/N almost as well as Peter did, he figured that he could use the help. And then he'd go to Tony's. He hadn't been lying about meeting his hopefully soon-to-be-father-in-law for coffee, he just neglected to tell his girlfriend that he was going to ask for his permission to marry her. It all had to go perfectly.

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