That way (Tom Holland)

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Requested by bharrisonnn: Y/N and Tom have always been best friends who are secretly in love with each other, but they don't know that the other person loves them back. Y/N is a singer and so Tom, Harrison, Harry and Sam go to see one of her gigs. She opens with a new song called "That way" (Tate McRae). She looks at Tom the whole time and they both end up tearing up whilst listening to the lyrics. He realises the song is about him and so he goes backstage, where they end up confessing their feelings to each other.

"Tommy!" I squealed, making my best friend laugh as I ran towards him. I jumped into his arms, my legs wrapping around his waist and my arms wrapping around his neck as his arms tightly held my waist.

"We've missed you so much, darling, it's been too long." Tom sighed into my ear.

"It really has been. God, it's so good to see you." I smiled, making him return it as he gently put me down. I bit my lip and just looked at him, making him return the look as he held my waist.

"Yeah, we're here too." I looked past Tom and playfully rolled my eyes at Harrison as he gave me a cheeky smile.

"Get over here!" I laughed as I tightly hugged him too. I was a famous singer, and I was best friends with Tom Holland and Harrison Osterfield. Though, I felt a lot more than just friendship for Tom. As the story always went, I was secretly in love with my best friend of twenty-four years. I wasn't exactly sure when the crush had started, all I knew was that one day, I had looked at him and felt nothing but love for the boy. And not friendship love. The issue was that I had no indication that he felt the same, and so I'd stayed quiet. But today, everything had the potential to change. I had just been on tour for a year and a half, meaning that I'd spent pretty much all of that time away from Tom. Tonight was my last show, and it was in London, so Tom, Harrison, Harry and Sam had come along to watch my final show of the tour. What they didn't know was that I was starting the gig with my new song, 'That way'. My new song that was about Tom and how I was secretly in love with him. Yup. This was going to be interesting.

"Thank you guys so much for coming." I chuckled as I hugged Harry and Sam last.

"Of course, we wouldn't miss this for the world." Tom smiled.

"Well, I'm grateful anyway. I need to finish getting ready but I'll see you after the show." I nodded.

"Alright, love, see you afterwards. Good luck." He replied as he leant down and kissed my cheek. I gave him another small smile, my heart already beating more harshly in anticipation of exposing myself to Tom in less than half an hour.

Tom's P.O.V

Tom, Harrison, Harry and Sam stood in the crowd, ready to see the show. As if on cue, the lights started to dim, making the girls surrounding them start to scream as the show started. The lights came up again, everyone screaming and cheering as Y/N walked onto the stage. Tom clapped and cheered loudly, a smile plastered onto his face as his best friend and secret love of his life walked onto stage.

"How we all doing tonight?" Y/N smiled. Everyone cheered and whooped, making her laugh and nod.

"Awesome, good to know that you guys are already having as much fun as I am! Now, usually I start these shows off by just singing, but I wanted to talk first because the first song that I'll be playing tonight is a new song. Heard by the public for the first time, tonight." she explained. Tom whooped and clapped, his heart so proud of Y/N as she smiled at the massive crowds.

"This is my new song, 'That way'. I hope you enjoy it." she nodded as she looked directly at Tom whilst sitting down at the piano that was on stage. He winked at her, making her smirk and shake her head as her fingers started to gently play the keys. The crowd went quiet, only the occasional clap or whoop being heard as everyone became in awe of the beautiful sound that she was playing. Tom bit his lip, more than ready to hear his best friend's most recent creation as she looked at him.

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