Loki's best friend (Peter Parker)

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Requested by Meg_Weasley: Y/N and Peter have a huge right and so she runs away to Asgard to meet up with her best friend, Loki. Peter follows her there and they have a cute make-up.

I stood in the bathroom, my lip in between my teeth as I stared down at the pregnancy test between my fingers. Tears pricked my eyes, my heart almost thumping out of my chest as the lines showed that the test was positive. I was pregnant with my boyfriend of ten years' baby. I couldn't help but smile at the thought. Peter and I had been dating since we'd become Avengers when we were fifteen. We had lived together in the Tower and had shared a room for the last five years, and our relationship was going amazingly. One thing, though, that we hadn't prepared for...was a baby. We were twenty-five and so it wasn't as if this would be a teen pregnancy, but it was definitely one that we had decided on waiting another few years for. I guessed that it was too late now. I took a deep breath, knowing that I had to tell Peter now and sort out what we wanted to do. And then I had to tell my best friend and partner in crime...Loki. That was another thing. My boyfriend and the rest of the team made no secret of the fact that it was a shock that I was best friends with the god of mischief and a technical villain, but Loki was like a brother to me and so that's what mattered to Peter and the others. I snapped out of it as I headed out of the en-suite and out of our room. My breath hitched, my heart in my stomach as I walked out to see Peter sitting on the sofa in the living room.

"Hey, Pete." I spoke, making him look up at me.

"Hey, babe. You okay?" He smiled as I sat down next to him and he curled his arm around my waist.

"Yeah, I'm good." I nodded, making him return it as he looked back at the TV. I gulped and bit my lip as I looked at him.

"Can I ask you something, Peter?" I asked.

"Yeah, course you can." He nodded. I took a deep breath.

"Have you ever thought about us having a baby?" I asked. His eyes widened slightly and he looked at me.

"I mean...yeah, of course I have, but we've discussed this, angel. We're not ready for a child for at least another few years." He scoffed and shook his head.

"Okay, but, things change, right? We had that conversation a while ago, we're more mature than we were when we first discussed it." I gulped.

"I don't care if we're more mature, I'm not ready for a baby." He insisted. I nodded and bit my lip, trying desperately to hold back tears at his words.

"Right. That's fine." I mumbled before standing up.

"Babe, wait, what's happening here?" Peter scoffed as he stood after me and grabbed my wrist before turning me around to look back at him.

"Nothing is happening, Peter, it doesn't matter." I shook my head.

"Well clearly it does, because you're starting a fight over it." He snapped.

"I asked you a question, Pete, I'm not starting a fight." I spat.

"That's exactly what you're doing! I gave you an answer, it's not my fault if you didn't like what I said! What's the problem here?!" He yelled.

"THE PROBLEM IS THAT I'M PREGNANT!" I shouted back as I threw my arms up in exacerbation. His eyes widened, making me sigh and look down.

"You're...you're pregnant?" He gulped. I bit my lip and nodded as I looked back at him with tears in my eyes.

"Yeah. I am. That's why I wanted to bring that conversation back up. But you're clearly not ready for a baby, so that's fine." I nodded. His eyes widened further.

"I said that before I knew that you were pregnant! We need to discuss this!" He exclaimed.

"Peter, you just said that you weren't ready for a baby, we have discussed this! I just, I need some space to figure out the fact that I'm pregnant and you're not ready for a baby." I choked and shook my head. He gulped and nodded, a tear also leaving his eye as he looked at me.

"Fine, yeah. Run away from the problem." He nodded. I scoffed and clenched my jaw.

"Fuck you, Peter." I shook my head, making him gulp as I turned and rushed out of the room.

I walked into the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf, my heels clicking against the floor as I walked. I looked up as the large doors opened slowly to reveal my best friend, Loki.

"Y/N! As much as it is always an honour to host you, what are you doing here?" He chuckled as he hugged me. I sighed and bit my lip.

"Peter and I had a fight." I choked. His smile dipped as he looked at me.

"Do I need to get Thor to smack him down with thunder? He owes me a favour, I can get it done-."

"No it's okay. I just need my best friend to have a talk to." I nodded.

"Of course, come in." He spoke, making me give him a small smile as he showed me into the throne room.

"So, what was this fight about then?" He asked as we sat down on the thrones. I gulped and looked at him.

"Loki, I'm pregnant." I admitted. His eyes widened slightly.

"Oh, Y/N. That's amazing, congratulations." He chuckled.

"Well, that's what the fight was about. Before I told Peter, I asked if his opinions about us waiting a few years had changed. They haven't. So, we fought about it, and I came here. I don't know what to do, Loki. He says that he's not ready for a baby, but we don't have much choice now." I choked. He sighed and gave me a small smile as he put his hand over mine.

"First things first, you need to talk to him properly about it. I know that he said what he did, but by the sounds of it, he said it before you told him. I'm sure now that he knows that you're definitely pregnant, he might have different opinions." He nodded.

"I do." I looked to the doors and my eyes wavered as Peter stood there.

"Oh, hey, Pete." Loki smiled as he sat back on his throne. Peter gulped and looked at me.

"Can we talk?" He asked. I sighed and bit my lip as I stood up and went to him.

"You didn't have to follow me all the way to Asgard, Pete." I shook my head.

"Of course I did, baby. You're pregnant and my girlfriend, I wasn't going to not follow you. Not to mention that I regretted what I said as soon as you left." He admitted. My eyes widened slightly.

"You regretted what you said?" I choked. He sighed and nodded as he gave me a small smile.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm fucking terrified for us to become parents. But I said that we weren't ready when it was just hypothetical. You left and it started to sink in that we were having a baby, and all I felt was happiness. All I felt was happiness and love for our child that you've only just told me about, so I can't imagine how much I'm going to grow to love them in the next nine months and when they're here." He confessed. I choked, tears leaving my eyes at his amazing words.

"You want this baby?" I smiled, making him return it and nod as he took my face into his hands.

"I already love them so much. I'm so sorry for what I said, I didn't mean it at all. I love you and our baby so much already." He reassured. I choked and shook my head, tears of happiness now leaving my eyes as I leant in and pressed our lips together. He returned the kiss, his hands holding my face as I held his waist. He broke the kiss and touched our foreheads, my eyes fluttering back open to look at him.

"Let's go home, yeah?" He whispered. I nodded and bit my lip before turning to look at Loki.

"Thanks for letting me cry on your shoulder." I smiled sheepishly.

"Course. The offer to have Thor smack him down still stands." He teased.

"What?" Peter mumbled, making me chuckle and shake my head as I took his hand.

"Never you mind, Pete." I smiled, making him shrug as I pulled him out of the palace.

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