Dust *part 1* (Peter Parker)

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Requested by weirdlookingGirl: Y/N is Tony's daughter, and she and Peter are dating. They're on a field trip when Thanos' minions come down to get Dr Strange, and so they join the fight. Y/N goes to Wakanda whilst Peter joins Tony in space.

Peter and I sat on the school bus that was taking us on the field trip, his arm around me and my head resting on his shoulder as we drove along the bridge.

"So, you looking forward to the museum?" he mumbled as he kissed my head.

"I'm a Stark, of course I am." I scoffed.

"Silly me." he teased, making me chuckle and shake my head as I pecked his lips. Peter and I had met two years ago, when my dad had recruited him for the Avengers as Spider-Man. My dad who happened to be Tony Stark. Peter and I had hit it off immediately, just to my dad's slight annoyance. But considering that I had the same powers as Wanda and therefore often trained with Peter, there wasn't much that he could do to stop us from getting closer and feelings from developing. Hence why I was currently sat by Peter's side, cuddled under his arm and a week away from our two-year anniversary.

"Maybe we could sneak away at some point, find a bathroom or a quiet place in the museum." Peter mumbled into my ear, making me smirk and look at him as he started to subtly leave kisses on my jawline.

"Who are you and what have you done with Peter Parker?" I teased.

"I'm still your Peter, just your horny Peter." he returned, making me laugh and shake my head. Suddenly, all of the hair on his arm that was resting against the back of the seat in front of us stood up, making us both look at it.


"I know, my senses are going crazy." he mumbled as he looked over his shoulder.

"Holy shit." he muttered. I followed his gaze, my eyes widening as I saw the doughnut-shaped spaceship floating over New York.

"I'll get Ned to cause a distraction. Call your dad." he spoke quietly, making me nod as I dug my phone out and he leant forward to talk to Ned.

"OH MY GOD! WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!" Ned yelled, making all of the students gasp and rush to the back of the bus to look at the spaceship.

"That worked." I chuckled as Peter clicked his web slingers up.

"Come on, babe." he spoke as he climbed out of the window. I got out after him, both of us pulling our masks on as he wrapped his arm around my waist. I held onto his neck, knowing the drill by now as he launched us off of the bridge. He shot a web and we started to soar, his arm hooked tightly around my waist and my face buried into his neck as we flew. Soon enough, our feet landed against the ground again, making me pull away from Peter as we looked around at the carnage that the alien ship had already caused.

"FRIDAY, call dad." I demanded as I clicked on my bracelet that my dad had given me, Peter doing the same to his watch. Our suits started to form from the jewellery, the material spreading up our arms and legs before soon enough covering us as we looked around.

"What's up, kid, I'm kind of trying to stop world elimination here." Dad picked up, his strained voice telling me that he was in the middle of the fight.

"I know, Pete and I are right underneath it." I scoffed as I looked up at the ship. He paused.

"Sorry...you're what?" He returned my scoff.

"We joined the fight." I shrugged.

"For fucks' sake, of course you did. Look, this is no joke, so I need you to listen to me very carefully. We need to go to Titan, that's where Thanos is going. I need Peter to join us, we don't have enough of the team here. You need to go to Wakanda, that's where Vision is. Your sole mission is to protect him and make sure that Thanos doesn't get the stone. If he does, well...it's game over." he spoke. I gulped harshly, my eyes wavering as the enormity of what we were facing hit me. I looked at Peter.

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