Heather *part 1* (Peter Parker)

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Requested by simpforsoup: Peter and MJ are hopelessly in love with each other, leaving little room for friendship between Peter and Y/N. When Peter and MJ announce that they're dating, Y/N covers up the fact that she's heartbroken by being very sarcastic, witty and faking happiness. Later that night, she's on the roof and crying when Spider-Man joins her. She doesn't know that it's Peter and so they start talking, but she doesn't go into depth about why she's upset.

I stood in the lunch queue with Betty, my eyes glued to my best friends Peter and MJ as they sat at the table and laughed. I bit my lip, nerves in my stomach as I watched them.

"Hey, Betty, do you think that Peter and MJ have been acting closer than usual recently?" I asked, making her look at me before glancing at them.

"Um...I don't know, I haven't really noticed. They've always been close, maybe that's just increasing." she shrugged. I sighed and bit my lip as I looked at them. The queue moved along, allowing me to grab my lunch before carrying the tray to the table.

"Hey, guys." I forced a smile onto my lips as I looked at my best friends.

"Hey, you okay?" Peter chuckled.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I shrugged. Peter and MJ looked at each other.

"No reason. But, um...we have something to tell you." MJ nodded. I looked at them, my eyebrows furrowing. Something told me that I really wasn't going to like this news. I flicked my gaze down, my heart plummeting to my feet as Peter took MJ's hand into his and intertwined their fingers.

"We're dating, officially, as of a week ago." Peter smiled. I gulped, my eyes wavering and my heart pounding as I desperately tried not to cry. Because the truth was that I was deeply in love with Peter, and I had been since freshman year. I had just about survived being just best friends, even though I knew about his massive crush on MJ, because I figured that neither of them had the guts to finally admit to the other person that they had feelings. I guessed that one of them had finally found the courage. The biggest problem was that over the years, Peter and MJ constantly flirting and getting closer to each other had made mine and Peter's friendship suffer, due to the fact that soon enough, I felt like a third wheel when the three of us hung out. I could safely guess that that would only worsen now. Meanwhile my heart was completely broken, the feeling akin to someone physically tearing the organ out of my chest. I felt completely numb.

"O-oh, my god, that's amazing! I'm so happy for you guys!" I laughed as I tried to sound as happy as I could possibly fake.

"Thank you, we knew that you'd be supportive. But yeah. It just felt right, and you're our best friend, so we knew that we had to tell you." Peter nodded.

"It's good that you did, would have been weird if I'd walked in on you guys cuddling and I didn't know." I teased, making them laugh.

"I'm so glad that you're cool with it. We were kind of worried that you'd feel like a third wheel, so I'm happy that you're happy." MJ chuckled.

"Of course I'm happy! If my two best friends are happy, then so am I." I smiled falsely. They returned it, Peter giving me one last glance as I started to eat my lunch.

I sat on the roof of my building, tears running down my face as I dangled my legs off of the edge. I bit my lip and fiddled with my fingers. How had I ended up in this situation? In love with my best friend whilst he was in love with our best friend? It tore my heart apart. I choked and looked down, my eyes squeezing shut as more tears spilled from them.

"You okay there?" My eyes widened and I looked up. I gasped and shot up to my feet as Spider-Man stood there. His white eyes widened at my reaction.

"Woah, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He chuckled as he held out his hands.

"N-no, you didn't, it's okay, I just...I thought that I was alone...I didn't think that a crying teenage girl was worthy of a superhero's attention." I gulped.

"I help people in need. You're crying, that suggests that you're in need." He nodded. I scoffed and looked up at him.

"I'm in need, am I?" I mumbled. His white eyes widened.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that." He gulped. I sighed and sat back down.

"I know. I'm sorry, it's just been a really shitty day." I mumbled as I looked down at my hands. I gulped, more tears leaving my eyes as I felt him sit down next to me.

"You want to talk about it? A problem shared is a problem halved." He chuckled, making me give him a small smile as he gently nudged my shoulder with his.

"You won't be able to help...I'm in love with someone who is in love with someone else." I admitted as I looked up at him. His eyes widened slightly again.

"Oh...yeah, I don't think that I can help with that." He chuckled awkwardly, making me smile and bite my lip. I appreciated the fact that he was still trying, even though he couldn't do anything.

"Yeah, it's, um...it's kind of fucked." I sniffed and nodded.

"Yeah...I mean, I can't help, but I'm happy to lend an ear." He returned my nod. I looked at him.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I gulped and shook my head.

"Why wouldn't I be? You're upset and even if I can't help, which unfortunately in this case, I can't, it's my job to help however I can. And so, I'll listen." He shrugged. I bit my lip and looked at him.

"Thank you, Spider-Man. I appreciate that." I nodded.

"Of course." He returned, making me give him a small smile.

"It's fucking insane, I've been so obviously in love with the guy for years now, and does he notice? Not one fucking bit." I scoffed and shook my head, the occasional tear leaving my eye as I continued to talk to Spider-Man. I was still ranting to him about Peter, though I hadn't said his name. I had been just talking for the last half an hour. And for the first time in a long time, I was actually starting to think about someone else other than Peter. And that was Spider-Man. The hero had just sat there, patiently listening to my endless rambling. He had nodded when necessary, had mumbled small nothings like "I'm sorry" and "that must be hard", his hand had even landed reassuringly on my back a few times to give it soothing rubs.

"He must be utterly blind if he can't see how amazing and beautiful you are." He shook his head. I looked at him, my heart jumping. Spider-Man had just called me beautiful.

"You...you think that I'm beautiful?" I asked quietly. His eyes widened again and he awkwardly coughed as he looked down.

"U-um, y-yeah, I do...yeah." He nodded before looking back at me. I smiled and bit my lip.

"Thank you, Spider-Man. I'm sure that underneath the mask, you're attractive yourself." I teased, making him laugh and nod.

"Thank you. I appreciate that." He returned. I smiled and bit my lip. We continued talking until it got dark, the pair of us talking about nothing and everything. But the one thing that happened, was that I didn't think about Peter at all whilst we were talking, only the masked hero. Maybe this could be a new start for me, one where I was in love with someone that I could actually have. At least, that's what I hoped.

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