Mix-ups *SMUT* (Tom Holland)

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Requested by Jorjaleighxo: Tom and Y/N are living together during the filming of "Spiderman 3" due to a mix-up with rooms and so they have to share a bubble and a house due to covid. They're doing a zoom interview together at home, and the entire time, Tom is teasing Y/N by rubbing her thigh and letting closer to her. The sexual tension builds between them throughout the interview. After the interview ends, Y/N starts to tease Tom as payback, the sexual tension explodes and it turns into a friends with benefits situation.

I walked into the kitchen, my eyes immediately widening slightly as a shirtless Tom sat at the island, his back turned to me as he ate a bowl of cereal.

"Morning." I spoke. He looked over his shoulder at me, his eyes immediately widening as he saw that I was only in one of his dress shirts.

"Jesus." he mumbled quietly, but not quietly enough for me not to hear.

"What was that?" I asked, pretending that I hadn't heard him as I walked past him and to the cupboard to grab a mug, the boy's eyes following me.

"Um...nothing. You just, um, you look good in my shirt." he smiled at me. I returned it and bit my lip. I was playing Tom's love interest in the third "Spiderman" movie, and since we were both English, we'd been flown out to Atlanta together for it. Though, due to covid, the housing situations were difficult this time around, and a miscommunication meant that Tom and I had ended up in the same house instead of me with Zendaya, and Tom with Jacob. Normally, this wouldn't have been an issue, but because of the virus, we had now formed bubbles in those houses and so couldn't move. Whilst Tom and I always maintained that we were just friends, being stuck in a house together for six months now had made the sexual tension steadily build between us. Hence why he was shirtless, and why I was wearing his shirt. This was a game of patience, and I was excited to see who was going to break first.

"You remember that we have that interview today?" I checked, pouring coffee into my mug as I looked over my shoulder at Tom.

"Yup. I'll set it up in the living room beforehand, all you have to do is show up and look pretty." he teased. I smirked and shook my head, making him return the smirk as I leant against the counter and sipped my coffee.

"Don't be teasing me like you were last time." I warned.

"Can't promise you anything, darling." he quipped back, making me chuckle and shake my head as I sipped my coffee again.

I walked into the living room to see Tom knelt by the TV as he connected the laptop to it.

"Need any help, Tommy?" I asked, making him look over his shoulder at me.

"Can do, can you set up the ring lights, please?" he asked. I nodded and headed over to them before grabbing them. I stood them in front of the two chairs that Tom had set up, flooding the fabric with light as Tom turned the TV on.

"Okay, here we go." he mumbled as he accepted the zoom call from MTV that was coming through. He handed me one of his air-pods, making me thank him with a small smile as I put it into my ear and we both sat down.

"By the way, darling, you look stunning." he mumbled in my ear as we sat down. I smiled and bit my lip, making him return it as we faced the screen.

"Tom, Y/N, you okay? Can you hear me?" the woman interviewing us smiled.

"Loud and clear." Tom returned. My breath hitched in my throat as suddenly, Tom's hand landed on my thigh. I looked at him, the boy smiling at the TV and blatantly ignoring what he was doing.

Tom Holland and Peter Parker one-shots 2.0Where stories live. Discover now