Broken heart (Peter Parker)

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Requested by Meg_Weasley24: Y/N is Tony's daughter and her younger sister is Morgan. Y/N gets cheated on and she's crying. Morgan finds her and doesn't know what to do, so she tells Peter that Y/N is upset. He rushes to comfort her and tells her how much he loves her.

Peter and I walked through the shopping mall, our arms full of bags as we headed to the movie theatre.

"Do you still not know what movie you want to see?" Peter chuckled, my best friend looking down at me as I looked through the movies available on my phone.

"No idea. How about that new superhero one? That looked decent." I nodded.

"Dude, we can't watch a superhero movie when we're actually superheroes." He chuckled, making me smile and look up at him. I was the daughter of Tony Stark, also known as the head Avenger, Iron-Man. I had met my best friend and secret crush, Peter Parker, when he had been recruited six years ago as a scared fifteen-year-old kid who was new to his powers. We had hit it off immediately but due to the fact that I'd had a boyfriend for the entire time that I'd known Peter, nothing had ever happened between us. But the more that I'd recently felt my boyfriend and I drifting apart, the more I felt closer to Peter.

"Y/N." I snapped back, my eyebrows furrowing as he waved his hand in front of my face.

"Sorry, I zoned out." I chuckled.

"It's okay, I figured. I need the bathroom, you good to wait out here?" He checked.

"Sure." I nodded. He returned it and put his bags down next to me as I sat down on a bench near the bathrooms. Peter disappeared into them, making me sigh as I just watched other people in the mall as they went about their business. I looked ahead, my eyebrows furrowing as I saw my boyfriend, Jake, sitting on the edge of the fountain that sat in the middle of the mall floor. My lips curled into a smile as I figured that I'd go and say hi to him. I stood up and started to head over there, my eyebrows furrowing as he looked up but not in my direction. My eyes widened, a choke leaving my lips as the girl walked towards him and leant down to kiss him. I gulped harshly, my heart dropping to my stomach and my eyes wavering as Jake returned the kiss. My boyfriend of six years, my first love...was kissing another woman. I choked and shook my head, my body quickly turning away and heading back to the bench before he had a chance to notice me. I gulped harshly and tried to wipe the tears away as Peter came out of the bathroom.

"You good to go?" He asked.

"U-um, Pete, I suddenly don't feel so good, can we skip the movie? I want to go home." I lied. He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. I knew that I needed to tell Peter the truth at some point, but he'd inevitably go over there and start a fight with Jake over the fact that he'd just betrayed me, and I really didn't want to deal with the pair of them fighting right now.

"Oh, you sure? You okay?" He asked.

"Y-yeah, I just, I don't feel well, let's head back." I nodded. He looked at me sceptically, my best friend clearly struggling to figure out why my mood had changed but eventually he nodded anyway.

"Sure, okay. We can head back." He reassured, making me grab my bags and start to rush towards the exit with Peter following behind.

"You fucking asshole!" I screamed, tears leaving my eyes and my whole body shaking in anger as I paced the floor of my bedroom and talked to my soon-to-be-ex boyfriend on the phone.

"I'm so sorry, babe, I really didn't mean for you to see us." He sighed. My eyes widened.

"It's not the fact that I saw you, Jake, it's the fact that you were there, with her, for me to see at all! You were cheating on me, that's why I'm upset!" I yelled.

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